$32.95 / FREE TO YOU!!!
David S Bernstein
Copyright (C) 1990,2004
David S Bernstein
Copyright (C) 1990,2004
PROVISO: If you REALLY want to change your life, and affect those around you in a positive way, then this book is for you!
If not, or if you are unwilling to make a serious commitment to changing your life, then give this booklet to someone else who might make use of the techniques and the information presented here.
This book is lovingly dedicated to EVERYONE who reads it in the hope that we can each raise our state of consciousness and create a better outer world for EVERYONE!!!
The world we see around us, that which we may refer to as the so-called outer world of our five senses, is only a tiny piece of a much greater world which is so vast and so magnificent, we can only hint at its beauty and dimension. Mere words pale in trying to describe this vast universe that exists within each of us - that place we call our Personal Inner World!
This region that exists beyond the five senses I call the I-R ZONE, or the world of IMAGINATIVE-REALITY! I call it this because the key that unlocks the door to this vast dimension of inner reality is the imagination - A Gift of the Gods!
All the books ever written in all the libraries of the physical world reflect only a small fraction of what exists in this realm. We are a much greater being than we have been led to believe!
In this book we will explore this inner universe that we all have access to. We will talk about it, and present many techniques that can allow us to tune into this part of our beings that we have often shut ourselves off from. We will learn to re-open the doorways to the inner worlds that guide our lives.
It is these inner worlds, those regions we cannot perceive with the five outer senses, that really shape our daily waking state world - the life we perceive around us, and the life we live moment-to-moment, from birth to seeming death.
It does not matter what religion you subscribe to, or how intelligent you think you are, or how caring you are, or how much money you have. It does not matter where you live, what color your skin is, or anything that you may already believe to be SO in your outer world. None of these things can limit your full creative expression.
Exploring YOUR PERSONAL I-R ZONE, the world of IMAGINATIVE-REALITY, will allow you to step into a world of light and beauty; where everything is possible. This is a place you can become acutely aware of, and can use to change the outer circumstances of your life with ease and grace.
YOUR PERSONAL I-R ZONE is a guide to your own inner worlds; a roadmap that will take you on a journey that from whence you return, your life will surely never be the same. If you avail yourself of the information and techniques in this book, you will never be able to view your outer waking state world with the same eyes again.
Life takes on a new perspective as you begin to discover YOUR PERSONAL I-R ZONE, and you will begin to shine from within, with a new luster! You will have discovered the true secret of eternal life, and the riches of the universe will be awaiting your conscious recognition and acceptance.
Read this book with an open mind, and an open heart, trusting that the information you read here is valid. Read the words as you go from line to line. Try to look beyond the words to perceive something special, for hidden behind the words themselves are experiences that can help you unlock the doors you have kept closed for so long.
Whether you are young in age, or young at heart, this book has something to offer you. Though it is not a panacea, and may not cure all the ills of the world, it can help you, as an individual, in discovering the tools already within you, and assist you in tuning into your own inner source of true power.
This information is different than most books about success and gaining what you want out of lie, for the end-result is NOT the mere amassing of monetary wealth, nor is it the achievement of successful relationships with others, nor is it about learning to control others and manipulate the world around you; though all of these desires are very real possibilities.
This is a book whose main focus centers on how we, as individuals, can tune into our own private world and discover who we are as unique beings in all the universes that exist in all the worlds of creation. It is a book that shows us ways to tap into our own source of inner power, and to manifest, into the outer worlds of perception, that which we want to occur in our life - and begin to understand some of the reasons things don’t always go as we think we want them to be.
Do not feel you have to read this whole book in one sitting. Savor each word, and work with the techniques presented here, for they can truly assist you to discover a world you may never have been consciously aware of. Whether you are of the new age philosophy or deeply ingrained in the most orthodox religious way of life - YOUR PERSONAL I-R ZONE awaits your discovery!
Enjoy the journey - for it is eternal. Help manifest into the outer worlds the most you can be. As each of us begins to express more of what we truly are, it becomes easier for others to accomplish the same task.
If you have any difficulties in understanding this information, do not become discouraged. With practice, these techniques will become as natural to you as breathing, eating, or sleeping, and they will assist you to a greater awareness of who and what you truly are - a unique individual being existing always in the vast universe of the eternal ever-present.
Just close your eyes,
Now what do you see?
Is it a vision,
Of all you can be?
Do it again,
Look deeper still,
You can be ANYTHING!
But not by your will.
Something there is,
That allows us to be.
Let’s try to find it,
For IT sets us free!
Now what do you see?
Is it a vision,
Of all you can be?
Do it again,
Look deeper still,
You can be ANYTHING!
But not by your will.
Something there is,
That allows us to be.
Let’s try to find it,
For IT sets us free!
David S Bernstein
“All things can be found in the world of imagination!” In all the universes of eternity, one can find countless beings, that manifest every type of being that could ever exist. Have you ever wondered why you are who and what you are? Has it ever occurred to your “mind” to question the circumstances you are born into? Or why your skin is black, or white or yellow? Or why some people are seemingly born into wealth, and with all the luxuries of life, while the vast majority on the planet, are born into poverty, with barely the essentials to keep themselves alive?
If you are like most people, you have often questioned the meaning of life, and your place in some possible grand scheme of things. Perhaps you have looked to your religious path to bring you solace. Many have done this throughout the ages.
Perhaps you look to your government to help you out of your morass, and provide you with the basics of life, and more! Perhaps you have latched onto some mental path of positive thinking, and this has seemingly altered the course of your life - at least, it may have changed your monetary profile, and afforded you a better lifestyle; if only temporarily.
What if you do not have a lot of money, or don’t live in an upper or middle class area? What if you are actually living in true physical poverty having little to eat, no money, and few possessions? What then? What if the religious beliefs of your youth have failed you as you aged? And what if you live each day in the depths of despair? Is there help for you? Is there some way you, too, can enjoy what those you believe to be successful do?
YES! is, of course, the answer. This is not a book about any religious system. Your beliefs in God, or a Higher Power, are strictly your own. You may keep them, alter them, or adopt new beliefs as you read this book. All you need to have is a strong, deep belief in your heart, with your very essence, that YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE! You CAN better your circumstances.
What you experience in the outer world around you can be what you want it to be! The journey you make through life can chance in an instant! No one can truly give you anything, except the gift of awareness. After that, you’re on your own, pretty much. Once you know that all the keys you need to have your life be the way you choose, lie within your own being, although sometimes deeply buried, you won’t have to purchase another book on success, or be taken in by those selling high-priced systems to get-rich-quick or change your life seemingly overnight.
True wealth is found only within and manifests out from THERE! This book will show you, in a brief number of pages, how you can awaken your possibly sleeping inner giant known as IMAGINATION! For in the realm of imagination, all things are! And all things are possible. We’ll show you how to work with the imagination and actually help birth things that you envision in your personal inner worlds, into your outer worlds - where you can see, touch, and use the things you have envisioned in your imagination as they cross the veil into physical manifestation.
TAPPING YOUR PERSONAL I-R ZONE is a catchy title, and perhaps this is the sole reason you purchased this book. I promise you that you shall not be disappointed. The initials I-R represent: IMAGINATIVE-REALITY! The title was, indeed, written to lure you to purchase this book. However, if the information you will read in here does not help you in your quest for personal awareness and success, whatever that may be for you, then the author shall suffer worse pains than those who spend their years in a living hell, for it would be a disservice, and an outright lie, to coerce you to purchase this book, merely to extract money from you. This is not the case!
If you have never read any books on success, the power of positive thinking, the power of faith, or similar books, of if you have never even been aware that such simple techniques exist for you to uplift yourself, then this book, TAPPING YOUR PERSONAL I-R ZONE, will seem like a little miracle in your life.
If, however, you have already read some books in the areas of motivation, changing the circumstances of your life, and the like, then TAPPING YOUR PERSONAL I-R ZONE may be easy for you, and much of the information in this book may seem familiar.
In the event the contents of this book DO seem familiar, you are still advised not to discount the information it imparts to you. Take it to heart. Learn as much as you can. Whether these techniques seem familiar to you or not, and whether you can find this same information in other books or not, should not matter. All that matters is that you be receptive to the information contained in this book, and that you use this information as suggested. APPLY what you read in this book.
Truth is one - it has many names, and many different interpretations. This book does not claim to have the only interpretation of truth that can exist. It does, however, promise to describe and outline techniques that may allow you to find your own truth, and to explore this truth from your own perspective, in your own personal way. Only in THIS way can you truly begin to change your personal inner world, and alter the course of your life - FOREVER!
For those unfamiliar with the information in this book, and those who may be familiar with it, I ask you to read with an open mind, and an open heart. Absorb what you read, and study the information until you feel you at least understand it a little bit. Look behind the words themselves, for the often secret messages they impart to you - messages not found by merely reading the words alone.
If you are sincere in changing your personal universe, what you perceive and experience as your physical reality, and altering the course of your life, then this book is for YOU. The information contained in these few pages will help you to discover your true individuality and will allow you to unfold into all you want to, and ca, be, by learning the secrets of:
Good reading to you!
Formulating clear, defined, precise goals, is often an excellent starting point to begin TAPPING YOUR PERSONAL I-R ZONE, for even if we do not know ourselves completely, having a well-defined Definite Chief Aim, Life Focus, Life Mission Statement, or direction for our life, may allow us to at least approach the doorway to our own inner worlds. Goal-setting is a true art and it can also become a trap for us.
There is always the possibility we may become more attached to seeing and accomplishing goals, rather than on living life! Used judiciously and with guarded perspective, goal-setting is the first of our most powerful tools for using and TAPPING INTO YOUR PERSONAL I-R ZONE.
The truths of the operations of the Universal Laws of the Universes are not hidden from anyone who is earnestly seeking to unravel the mysteries of the operation of the universes. Examples of the functioning of these laws is evident in everything, and in every moment of our existence. The key to unraveling these so-called mysteries, and understanding the basic functioning of the laws is based on our ability to raise our level of awareness and our state of consciousness. Don’t let these words scare you; it’s not as difficult as it may seem.
There are a number of ways to accomplish this, and it is up to the earnest seeker of truth to seek out the ways to raise the level of awareness, or vibrations: to seek out the laws, seek out and understand the functioning of the laws, primarily by example, and then to put these laws into practice. The practical application of these laws is important if for no other reason than to prove to yourself that they do in fact function the way they are meant to.
There is another, more profound and important reason, however. This other reason seems to be so that we can gain a greater understanding of the purpose of our own existence and to live in harmony with these Universal Laws and with all of life! Only THEN can we know the true joy in living.
Raising our level of awareness and state of consciousness occurs in stages, and we are raised up level-by-level as the layers of our ignorance are slowly washed away. Unfoldment of consciousness is like the blooming of a rosebud - it cannot be rushed if it is to have lasting quality.
How one disciplines oneself, and how willing to change you are, may largely affect the speed, or rate, at which you can reach into these higher levels of understanding. Do not rush. It is known that roses grown in hothouse environments often die much sooner than those grown and nurtured under the careful guidance of the loving gardener. Consider yourself the loving gardener, tending your own, personal garden of wonders!
All great experts and motivators talk about goal setting and often get us all fired-up with emotional fervor that is infused into the goal. If this high level is maintained, it may cause the thing, or objective, to manifest through focused attention on the object. Goal-setting is simple. In another few lines I’ll give you a few clear and simple steps to follow. However, it is the behind-the-scenes understanding of why these steps work and how to alter the goal along-the-way to its realization, that seems more important.
Here, as promised, are the generally-recognized steps to goal-setting and achievement of objectives using this route:
1) Set a clear, well-defined and generally specific goal. This may be a specific goal for a material object, or a more encompassing goal that will guide your entire life, and will unfold gradually as you grow in awareness. This latter is referred to as a: DEFINITE CHIEF AIM, by
Napoleon Hill.
2) Write down your goal. This is discussed in another chapter in more detail, though it can never be stated too empathetically. WRITE DOWN YOUR GOAL, or goals, and refine it until it says exactly what you want it to say.
3) Empower your goal with absolute faith and trust that IT WILL MANIFEST IN YOUR LIFE, or, rather, that you will achieve the object of the goal you have set. To state it another way: you will achieve the object of your desire.
4) When you formulate a goal, make every effort to see that it is for the good of the whole, and not just a selfish desire. Also, ask that whatever you request be granted in a perfect way. The human mind cannot foresee all of the imperfections of a desire, so ask that it manifest in your life in a PERFECT way.
5) Release the goal into the universe, in effect, surrendering it and asking for assistance from possibly unseen forces. Note: Some so-called authorities are adamant that we must hold onto the goal and focus attention on it virtually every moment until it becomes a reality. I do not share this belief, although it does work. (I use the term so-called authorities not to discount their theories and applications or to place doubt in your mind as to the validity of their statement. YOU are your own authority. No external so-called authority should generally be considered above your own inner guidance.)
6) Believe that everything that occurs for you has some relevancy to the attainment of your goal. Live life with a deep gratitude for all you receive and look for the lessons that guide you to the realization of your goal.
7) Act always AS-IF you already ARE experiencing the goal you set. Never doubt that your goal will manifest in your life. Live the goal and truly become it in your every action. Use thought, f eeling, belief and expectation along with action.
8) Set a plan for how you will accomplish this goal. If you do not have a plan at the outset because you are unaware of what the plan might be, trust that you will receive the steps as you live your life. Look for these steps, and write them down as you perceive them. Look at what
you have written, from time-to-time, and revise the steps you feel you should take to accomplish your goal or DEFINITE CHIEF AIM.
9) Implement the plan you have written down and pay attention to any additions, deletions or changes that you must make in your plan. Be willing to alter or make adjustments to your goal as well. Do this cautiously. You may always change your goals. Being unclear and changing your goals too often will appear that you are not certain of what it is you want to accomplish, and so,
the power you would otherwise generate by having a clear, well-defined goal, would be dissipated, and the unseen powers that would be at your command would likely leave your universe, if only for a while.
10) For the most part, do not set firm time limits or specific ways through which your goal must manifest. Sometimes you can do this, and it does work. However, depending on which approach you take, the gentle, trusting way appears to be more powerful, and more lasting.
11) Live always in present time. Do not think of the past, or the future. Have absolute trust and belief that your goal IS manifesting, and that everything you do in life is clearly moving you closer to the realization of that which you have set as your goal. Also, learn to relax! Tension is almost always the cause of delay.
12) Be aware of steps that work or don’t work for you, and feel free to formulate your own goal-setting techniques. Use these as a base.
There you have them! Twelve, simple, yet powerful, steps to setting goals and achieving results. Twelve steps most successful people would say they followed, in one way or another. Some people recommend more steps, others less. Some define them in greater detail, others more simply. It seems more important, however, that you understand the general mechanics of goal-setting, and the true power that lies behind the mechanical technique.
Each individual must become aware of what specific goal-setting techniques work for them, because we are all different. These steps work for many people I have interviewed throughout the years. They can work for YOU as well, though you should not feel afraid to change them, if you are so guided.
Visualization techniques often reinforce the goal and when used should incorporate any refinements made along the way. Praying is not generally recommended, as it often makes us seem as if we are begging and do not trust the higher and inner powers to fulfill our requests. The journey to attain the goal is often more important than the actual goal. Therefore, become aware of how the events in your life unfold and relate to the goal, or goals, you have set. Feel free to alter your goals slightly, if necessary. Do not set too many goals at one time, as this may scatter your power.
An example: I want a new car. This goal is too vague. What KIND of car? What make? What color? How many seats?
With a material object goal such as this, be as specific as you can be, and hold to it. You should still follow step 7, living and acting AS-IF the goal is already manifested in your life, and also releasing your request to the universe, though you may do periodic techniques where you envision owning the car in your IMAGINATIVE-REALITY world. See yourself owning the car, driving in it, smelling it and seeing it in your driveway. This may not be a NEW concept to you, but it always bears repeating for additional reinforcement.
If you set a goal for money, be specific: I want $10,000. However, with money, it is often better to set a goal like this: I want $10,000 so I can start my own business. Now, include something specific about the business in the goal.
Become aware of everything in life that contributes and brings you closer to the attainment and realization of the goal: books to read on business; people you meet that may lead you to the attainment of the goal; free seminars; money to be lent; overtime you might be able to work to earn additional money; ways to change your budget to save more money.
Do not be anxious about the goal not being realized at once. BE PATIENT! It is the greatest gift you can give to your goals, and yourself.
Some experts feel, as I do, that you should set one DEFINITE CHIEF AIM, upon which your whole life may be centered, and build from there. It’s also referred to as a MISSION STATEMENT. In this way, your life becomes aligned in a much more grand way. Perhaps a profession such as medicine, law, mechanics, writing, painting, or whatever you feel you want to focus on. Then, within the framework of this larger DEFINITE CHIEF AIM or GRAND FOCUS, smaller goals can be set and focused on as they fall in line with this GRAND GOAL of your Life. You may alter your GRAND FOCUS as you feel it is necessary to do so in accordance with your inner guidance.
It’s also very important to remember: If you have no direction in life and set no goals, someone else will set them for you! Become the master of your own life, not a pawn of society.
A point to stress here: Although goal-setting is an art, it is also very mechanical. If you do A, B and C, then D, E and F will likely follow. Have faith and trust and do not let illusions of life dissuade you or place doubts in your mind. Use goal-setting as a part of the whole of your life, not just one specialized area. Some people I know are really great at setting goals and achieving results. For the most part, their attention is so focused in this area, their life often lacks substance and depth.
Despite what anyone can ever say: Love is far more important than money. It’s been around longer and adds substance and depth to life. Money does not. Love may inspire you to gain money. Having money and material things will never cause you to have true love! A little hint here - Money, or material abundance, is more related to attitude than to work. To have money, or abundance in your life, CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE! Accept and expect abundance and live your life as if abundance is ever-present in your universe. Money is merely energy.
The physical plane universe has nothing to do with the ability of our inner creative powers to manifest ANYTHING! Your goals are fulfilled only through the use of the force behind creative IMAGINATIVE-REALITY, not through the outer conditions of the physical universe. We call this principle the POWER OF BELIEF! Prepare yourself for the end result, not for how you are going to get there. See the goal complete with all its parts.
Two real examples: I have two friends that each wanted a house. Friend “A” is a successful business person, and has already lived in houses for quite some while. He went out to purchase a house with his wife, and for every house he saw that he liked, he was unable to get a mortgage. Finally, he sat back and contemplated on this situation. His inner guidance seemed to indicate that he should look in a different area - a much higher-priced area.
He followed this inner guidance, and the first home he saw, which he had previously thought was out of his price range, was granted a mortgage. This story, which is true by the way, illustrates the principle of paying attention to seeming obstacles, and listening to that still small voice within, our intuition. Sometimes, obstacles are placed in our way to steer us in another direction, or cause us to seek inwardly for the changes we need to make that are still not in line with our goal.
In this second example, which is also true, friend “B” decided that he no longer wanted to live in apartments, always moving around. He wanted to live in a house with his wife and have some permanency in his life. He and his wife had literally no money in the bank, and were uncertain they could get a mortgage for a new home. Still, my friend had absolute faith that he WOULD realize the object of his desire: a house to live in that he would own. In less than a week, his father-in-law told my friend that he was moving and that he would sell his house to my friend. A mortgage was approved through the bank, and my friend got the goal he set out to achieve - owning his own home.
I must add that in both examples my two friends had previously been successful in working in the area of goal-setting. However, the more significant point here is that they both had absolute trust that their goal would be realized. One paid attention to obstacles to alter the journey to that realization. The other did not know how he would achieve his goal - but he had absolute trust that the steps would unfold for he and his wife, and indeed they did!
There was no luck involved in either of these two examples, nor did these things happen by chance. These goals were realized because my friends followed the simple steps for goal-setting you read just a few pages before this. There are no coincidences in life - regardless of what you see occurring around you and in your personal life.
Remember, truly, that you can experience anything you want in your life, including in your outer physical world. The art and mechanics of goal-setting can be a great aid to this achievement. Try these techniques. They have worked for others, and they can work for you. If you need to read more on goal-setting, there are literally THOUSANDS of books on the subject. However, if you are working with the techniques mentioned here, you don’t need to look any further. Trust that you have within you the tools you need to change your life using goal-setting.
That about sums up the entire chapter. There IS something quite inherent about the power of the written word. The spoken word is ALSO powerful, though you know it’s true that the pen, which creates the written word in the physical world, is more powerful than the sword.
Through the written word we communicate to each other. The written word allows us to communicate from one generation to another, by recording our thoughts and feelings thereby creating our history. Before there were written words, symbols were used as a means of communication. This route went the way of art, so-it-seems.
What about this written word, though? Why is it so important? How could it BE so important, almost above all other forms of communication? Well, on the one hand, it’s a very complicated thing to talk about. And on the OTHER hand, it’s very simple to discuss.
My personal research and application have given me some clues as to just why the written word is so powerful, and how the written word, almost alone, can be used to help us birth things into our personal universes.
There is no substitute for action, whether this action is physical or whether it is thought action. Ultimately, some physical action IS required to accomplish most goals, or objectives. Otherwise, what would be the point?
It seems that at least one of the reasons the written word is so powerful is because it allows us to take something, an idea, generally, from the non-physical realms, the inner worlds of IMAGINATIVE-REALITY, and to center that energy around it. If we pay attention to the HOW of asking questions, more than to what we actually ask, we find that the answers are most often evoked from within us, by the well-formed question. This proves that we already have within us all the answers, or guidance, we need to get through life.
The written word is even MORE powerful. We can use the tool of writing for so many things. In a moment, we’ll do some exercises. Realize that the well-thought-out written piece, whether a book, a letter, a sentence, or a word, has tremendous power innately stored in it, and that this power is released when the words are written and focused, or centralized.
It does not really matter whether what you write is published, or if anyone ever sees what you have written, or even whether YOU re-read what you have written. What DOES matter is that you write something and revise it, so that it says just exactly what you want it to say.
This book may not be perfectly written. Not everything I write is perfect. Perfection is only based on personal judgement. However, I feel confident in having released it to the public because I believe it has value and will impart information that is important. We must ALL learn to work with the written word and see the potential power it holds for YOU!
Here is an example of the power of the written word, though this is not the true power I am speaking of. A number of years ago I worked in a public, government place. I was dissatisfied with what was occurring there, and thought I would take action. So, I wrote a letter about the problems I saw there and I sent this letter to practically everybody. About 50 letters were sent to federal, state and local government officials, newspapers, and the institution administration. I had really no awareness that the letter had any effect. Certainly, not the effect I wanted it to have.
Several months later, I had a problem with an administrator, and when I wrote a letter of complaint about the situation, I unfortunately used the same typewriter. I was summoned to the personnel office, and was promptly asked to resign. The Union would not even back me, and would not tell me why they would not back me. They wouldn’t even tell me the real reason they wanted me to resign, but I knew that it was because they had put the two letters together.
Apparently, my first letter, which was unsigned, DID have a powerful effect, and did, in the end, cause the necessary changes to occur. I wasn’t too happy about being asked to quit, though this little experience did give me some insight into the power of the written word. It never stopped me from expressing myself using either the spoken or the written word.
This next example of the power of the written word is rather old, though not as old as language, itself. A little over 200 years ago, and you can just imagine what I’m about to write here, a group of men decided that it was time for “The Colonies”, located in the Northeast portion of North America, to break away from their Mother England. All the skirmishes and verbal talks had little success. It wasn’t until the words were written on parchment, and formulated into the Declaration of Independence, that the real drama began.
Though the scenes had been planned for decades, and many documents were written to feed the fervor that had been created, and the desire was strong, and it was almost inevitable, it was the power being generated, and the sincerity of the people involved who wrote the document, and the actual writing of the document itself, which caused the more significant events to occur - separation and independence.
Few of us could probably write such a powerful document in our lifetime, and certainly would probably not die for our beliefs. This is a generalization I’m making and it may not be true in all cases. Generally, though, it is unlikely we will write something that will be of such major importance, and have such a sweeping effect for such a long period of time. There are older documents existing since written recorded history began, and many of these had sweeping effect in their times as well.
In fact, it is important to state here that the principle at work is that all the predecessors to the Declaration of Independence, made it ultimately easier for this document to be written. It’s almost always difficult to be a trailblazer, and often we forget those who are first with an invention, or something written, that has an effect on our live.
I should add here, that it is very possible that some people reading this document may, indeed, write something that will have a sweeping effect on the lives of others. Usually, we do not know the degree to which the actions we have taken have an effect on others, and on the Greater Universe!
Ultimately, though, we write to please ourselves. We write what is in us, and if only WE are uplifted by this writing, it has served its purpose. We, who are writers, must write. And if you feel inclined to write, after reading this book, or section, then do it! It is so important.
Before a few exercises, I must state what I feel is THE INHERENT POWER OF THE WRITTEN WORD! Since it appears true that we live most of our lives in the non-physical realms: those of thought, feeling, dreams etc., when something appears in our outer worlds as a manifested thing, we must realize that the manifestation is only the tip of the iceberg. Far more than 99% of our lives is lived in the world of IMAGINATIVE-REALITY. This is why it is so important to become aware of this realm, and to learn to use this place, through the power of imagination, to shape our outer physical lives.
The writing down of something is so important because it anchors something in the physical. If you wrote down all the thoughts that passed through your mind in just a single day, you could probably fill MANY pages in a journal. If you actually ACTED on all of these thoughts, you would probably not be able to write again in this lifetime. So, you can see the necessity for focus and discrimination.
Here is an exercise to try: Have a pad and pen with you. Sit in a comfortable chair. Close your eyes and just relax as much as you can. Try to blank out your mind, or cancel out all the thoughts passing through it. Breathe a few times and relax even more. Now, when you feel sufficiently relaxed, ask yourself what you want from life. Ask in a genuine way with gratitude in your heart. Now, LISTEN to what you hear.
When you feel ready, open your eyes and write, paying close attention to this “STILL SMALL VOICE” that is within you. This is YOUR own inner being talking to you. Do this exercise as frequently as you like. Do not become dependent on this particular technique. Feel free to create your OWN techniques. You can always ask for inner guidance while doing any activity. Learn to listen to this inner voice throughout the day.
You can use the same technique along with goal setting. Let’s say you want to set a goal and you don’t know what goal, or objective, you want to achieve. Or, maybe you already have a goal or objective. In either case, if you do not have a clear picture of the path to follow, and the steps to take, you can use this technique to ask: How can I do more to accomplish the goal I have set? State the goal, and listen quietly. The answers will come.
Remember, though:
This point cannot be over-emphasized. It is extremely important to write down what you perceive in your inner. You may even find, as you re-read these thoughts - days, weeks or even months later, that you have gained some crucial insight into something that had previously been bothering you in your outer life.
In Chapter Six, we’ll talk about dreams and dream interpretation. This is not a book, though, about forecasting the future. What is important to know is that we each have our own unique symbols in life. We must begin to pay attention to the messages that are already coming through to us - to decipher our own unique code of life and learn the lessons we may not have known about before.
By writing down your thoughts, and doing the exercise just presented, you can begin to tune into YOURSELF! Writing down dreams, as well, can be paramount to discovering our own true self. This is the journey we make through eternity, and the power of the written word can help us get there with much more joy and abundance than almost any other tool.
CREATIVE VISUALIZATION TECHNIQUES, which we may refer to as - CVT’s, are, perhaps, the single most powerful tool we have to change our lives. These are not just idle dreams, and you should become aware of that in the deepest parts of your being. We become what we think - what pervades our consciousness MOST! If we are depressed and feel we will not amount to anything in life, then that is what will occur for us. If we live life confidently, and with gusto, then our life will be full of joyous occasions, and we will gain much from our journey through eternity.
If you focus more on the qualities of life, as your predominant thoughts, then you are much further ahead than one who only focuses on material goals. Goal-setting, as we previously discussed, DOES work. There is no doubt about this. You must find those techniques that work for YOU! - whether these techniques are for goal-setting or for CREATIVE VISUALIZATION.
I can only steer you in a direction. I cannot push you through the doorway into your own inner worlds. Only YOU can take the necessary steps inwardly. However, I can assist you to find out some of what exists in the inner worlds. You must explore for yourself.
It has been said that the outer world that we perceive with our physical senses, is a mockup. That it is a crude representation of our inner worlds. If this is so, then what must these inner worlds be like? Are they drab, dreary, boring, lifeless, colorless? Or are they EXCITING, LIMITLESS, COLORFUL and everything good we expect?
Our inner worlds can be what we want them to be! They are, in fact, all good things - that much I can tell you. However, the predominating thoughts that course through your mind will cloud this joyous realm with a veil that may be so thick it is like a brick wall. You must begin to break down this wall, even if you have to do it one brick at a time, until you can get a glimpse of the wonders that await you on the other side.
Then you must learn to break even MORE of the wall down until you can travel to this world at will. After you can travel here at will, using your imagination to travel deeply into the heart of the inner worlds of IMAGINATIVE-REALITY, you must work in this realm, to have your life, on whichever level you choose, be exactly what you want it to be.
This is a tall order, and our outer lives may never be exactly what we want them to be. We must, therefore, change our perspective a bit. We will, likely, not have an outer life, that which we perceive as the physical life, that is perfect. There will always be flaws in this life, because that is how the outer world is. The physical world will always have problems and situations we must deal with. There can never be a perfect world here - world peace is an illusion that is almost not worth pursuing.
However, by realizing the power we hold within our own being, we can manifest more and more of our inner worlds into the outer and by this process, affect those around us. Peace marches, laws, money, power - these are frail attempts to rule over others and control their lives. Even if you live in the most horrible physical conditions, if you are in touch with your personal inner worlds of IMAGINATIVE-REALITY, then it doesn’t matter.
These worlds we speak of - IMAGINATIVE-REALITY, are, in fact, VERY REAL. I call them IMAGINATIVE-REALITY because we use our imagination to tap into this inner world that is TRULY VERY REAL! And the more we focus in this realm, living our daily lives as well, the more balanced we become, and the more in tune with the eternal greater universe we become. At this point, we see everything as universal, and ourselves as everything, therefore universal, and therefore eternal.
A bit of the creative essence of the universes exists in everything and in every situation. We must find this bit, and work with the positive aspects it holds for us to find and work with.
The purpose of CREATIVE VISUALIZATION TECHNIQUES - (CVT’S), is to go within, using our IMAGINATION, and find the worlds that we can create through imagination. There is, however, a very subtle difference between IMAGINATION and fantasy. Worlds we PERCEIVE through imagination are REAL. Those we create, purely from the mind or emotions, can be fantasy. Be careful not to fall into the trap of living in a world of fantasy. When you have tapped into the true worlds of IMAGINATIVE-REALITY, which is really not difficult at all, begin to trust this inner, and don’t let others tell you that you are living in a world of fantasy.
Be honest with yourself and your perceptions. In this way, you can begin to distinguish what is real and what is fantasy. It helps, tremendously, if you do not partake of mind-altering drugs, whether prescription or illegal. These alter the senses and place unnecessary veils and obstacles in our way.
Some, who are adept in these techniques, may also suggest we become as pure, physically, as we can. This would include not smoking, not drinking alcohol, not overeating or eating too many poor quality foods. There is no end to the degree of fineness and purity you can achieve, though this can also become a trap. Believing that all truly creative and spiritual people must become vegetarians or live in a monastery with other like-minded people is ridiculous. We live where we are, and we must learn to work with the tools we have at hand.
Fortunately, for most people, we all can tap into the world of IMAGINATIVE-REALITY, and once a start is made, the journey becomes endless, and what we can learn in this realm goes beyond anything the mind could ever conceive on its own.
Here, then, are some techniques to help open you up to the world of IMAGINATIVE-REALITY. These are, by far, only a few of the literally millions of techniques that could exist. You should learn to develop your own techniques as you feel more confident to do so. This is not like going on a drug trip with LSD, or other mind-altering drugs. Nor is this like a drunken stupor. Slipping from the world of the physical senses into the finer worlds of the inner is as easy as closing your eyes and imagining.
Sit in a comfortable position, whether on the floor, in a chair or in bed, where you will not be disturbed by any distractions for a while. Take some deep breaths and relax as much as you can. Blank out your mind, and focus your attention on a spot that is located between the two eyebrows. This spot is known as the Third Eye, the Tisra Til, and many other names. It is actually the location of the Pineal Gland in the brain. This gland has been suspected as being one of the seats of imagination in the body.
Focusing here, just relax even more and look at what you see. Whatever comes to you, take it as real. Envision something specific, if you desire. Perhaps you are in a park, walking in the grass. Perhaps you are skiing down a mountain, or sailing on the ocean. Maybe you are climbing up a mountain and eagerly awaiting the view from the top. Whatever you see, go with it, even if it changes.
This is a continuation of exercise #1. When you are seeing something in the worlds of IMAGINATIVE-REALITY, begin to listen for the sounds associated with this image. Also see if you can smell any fragrances, or sense the weather. Is a warm breeze blowing, wafting sweet fragrances of flowers? Or is the air cold and fresh with no particular odors perceptible? Is anyone else with you? Do you want anyone else to be with you? See this person being there with you. Believe this person IS there with you. Don’t see this technique as one you can use to manipulate others. Just relax and enjoy what’s going on.
Take the prior two exercises a step further. If you are trying to envision something, you might want to keep this in the inner worlds. As you become more adept as these techniques, and you begin to perceive experiences, rather than create them, know that you can chance these experiences. This is a VERY sensitive area to work in.
You want to be careful to understand that you can only change your OWN inner worlds, not those of others. You cannot use these techniques to manipulate others to do as you want them to. The best you can do is to work on changing YOUR perceptions, working first in your inner worlds, then bringing the inner into the outer.
Realize that you can change the action in these CVT’s. Believe that your visions, in the realm of IMAGINATIVE-REALITY, can become a true OUTER reality, as you begin to out-picture them into your own, personal, inner and outer universe.
These techniques may seem very simple to you, however, they are actually very powerful, and very advanced. Pay attention to what occurs for you when you do these exercises, and also feel free to change them, and create NEW techniques for yourself.
Pay attention to what occurs in your outer worlds, and when you want to know truth, use these CVT’s, or create others, that can assist you to know truth in any situation.
These techniques discussed here are CREATIVE VISUALIZATION TECHNIQUES. There are no words used to get into them or to move around in your inner worlds. Just use your CREATIVE VISUALIZATION powers and your powers of thought and emotion, to work in this area.
In our next chapter, SOUNDS IN SILENCE, we will discuss words that are significant and powerful that can be used in addition to CVT’s, or by themselves, to assist you in using the world of IMAGINATIVE-REALITY to find out more about your own true, inner self, and how it can affect your outer world and how YOU can take an ACTIVE role in shaping your outer physical world.
Words are virtually all we have, when we deal with the outer communication between people. There are other forms of communication, as well, that are often more potent, more direct, and which more accurately convey what we want to communicate. Our emotions convey much to others, whether we speak or not. So, too, our thoughts are often “picked-up” by others. This is true because of the force of the thought sent out as well as our basic ability to perceive things beyond the physical senses.
Sounds come in many different forms. It seems possible to actually “feel” sounds, and not just hear them. One can also see the color of sound. Sounds, and specific words, are invaluable keys that unlock many doors into our own inner worlds. They are the pass-keys to other dimensions.
Have you ever hummed a personal song to yourself during the day? How does it make you feel? Are you uplifted? Music often takes us to another dimension. It, too, is a pass-key to worlds not of the physical. Singing is a very basic form of communication because it almost immediately puts us in touch with the inner worlds of creativity. This is what we are seeking.
Emotions also have this ability. By evoking the right emotions we can tune into the inner worlds. Thoughts have this ability as well. It depends on which way you want to go. It’s a matter of personal preference. Remember, though, that physical actions, emotions and thoughts can only tune us into those worlds we know as the lower worlds. That is, they can only take us to the high mental areas - where thought reigns.
To put thoughts into action, we often need to infuse these thoughts with emotion, and then, of course, generally, some physical action as well. This all deals with the area of goal-setting, which we’ve already dealt with quite a bit. Here, however, we want to enter worlds beyond even those known as the worlds of creative IMAGINATIVE-REALITY, reaching deeply into the highest realms of the universe.
This can be accomplished by using special words, or really making use of the sounds that the words represent - the sounds BEHIND the words. Many people are familiar with the word AUM or OM. It has been chanted, or hummed, for thousands of years, and it’s power is great. However, it takes us only just so far into the inner worlds of creative IMAGINATIVE-REALITY.
To travel deeper into YOUR PERSONAL I-R ZONE, and really tap into the hidden secrets that lie within your own being, you need to find power words that represent power sounds, that can unlock those doors, and help you travel to these places, if only in your IMAGINATION, at first.
As you use these techniques more and more, you’ll find that it becomes easier and easier for you to TAP YOUR PERSONAL I-R ZONE, and you’ll be able to tap this area at any moment, for any reason. You might want to know what to cook for dinner; what stocks you should purchase; whether you should turn left or right, when you feel you are lost while driving in the car; whether you should trust a particular person; or whether you should have purchased this book!
First, let’s discuss how to “use”, or work with these words and then we’ll discuss a bit about how to find these words and tune into them. To use power words, realize that they are just THAT: POWER WORDS. The sounds they create when chanted, or hummed, either audibly or silently, are very powerful, and they are not to be toyed with.
POWER WORDS are not to be used to manipulate others to succumb to your will. They are to be used to assist you to fine tune your personal being and become aware of insights that can help you to make your own decisions, independent of others, by the new insights you have gained.
When using these special POWER WORDS, always remember they are like keys. If you have the right key, and you insert it into the right lock and you turn it just the right way, you gain entrance to what’s behind the door. Life becomes a truly exciting challenge for you. Let’s take the world AUM, since it is so familiar to many people.
You can chant, or hum, the word while walking around, driving in the car, or really any place you are, and during whatever action you are doing. You must focus attention on the word, or the sound of the word, and be open and receptive to what comes to you.
We’ve already discussed CREATIVE VISUALIZATION TECHNIQUES, which make use of our powers of visualization. Now, let’s add another dimension to the same technique. Review the process of the CVT’s we’ve presented in this booklet, or work with ones you’ve created yourself.
Sit in a comfortable position and breathe a few times. Remember to blank out your mind as much as you can. Don’t put so much attention on this blanking out that you become obsessed about it. Do these exercises with an openness, and remember that the process is what’s important, not the strict adherence to step-by-step rules. Everything must be done in a gentle way.
With your attention lightly focused on your Tisra Til, that spot between the two eyes, lightly begin to chant the word you have selected for this session. If you are seeking insights on something specific, then you may phrase a question. Remember the importance of the way the question is phrased. Do this in a gentle way as you focus your attention on your own inner worlds. Believe that insights come to you, though they may not come in this very sitting, or in a way you expect.
You may chant the word for 15-20 minutes, or you may stop after a few minutes, gazing, in a gentle way, into your own inner worlds. You can also chant for LONGER than 20 minutes if you want. You are seeking a glimpse of your own worlds of creativity. They are truly there, and you have access by the use of specially-charged POWER WORDS.
When you have become somewhat familiar with doing CVT’s, especially when also using words for chanting as well, remember that you can use these words during the day. You can step back, a moment, when you need insight. Pause and silently chant your specially-charged POWER WORD. Believe you gain the insights you are seeking and that you are now tuned-in to a higher part of your personal being - a dimension beyond the physical, emotional or mental worlds that exist within you.
When you’re comfortable with CVT’s and with chanting, which, perhaps billions of people do everyday, it’s now time to find YOUR OWN POWER WORDS. As individual beings in eternity, we each represent a unique sound in the Divine Chorus of the Inner Worlds of Creativity. Therefore, we need to find words that are in-tune with our own beings.
AUM is a word used by millions of people. The word GOD, was at one time thusly used. You can also use the word GOD as a chant. Seek out words or sounds. When you do your CVT’s, ask for words you can use that are more personal than AUM or GOD. These words may have lost some of their intrinsic power because of misuse through the ages. You may also chant the name of a spiritual being who deeply inspires you. It could be a spiritual master, or someone in your personal life. Be careful when using the name of a person.
If you chant the name of a spiritual person, such as Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, or others that may be familiar to you, realize that you may be guided to other sounds and words that are more personal.
What is it we do when we pray and sing psalms or hymns in church? What is it that occurs when Christians use their Rosary Beads and repeatedly chant a particular phrase? This repetition can become very mental in its action, however, the original intention of those who created these techniques may likely have had the same information I’m writing about here - a way to contact something HIGHER than our human selves.
It is difficult to write more directly on this subject, since it requires your diligence in working in this area, and your faith and trust that you have the ability to develop this skill. It, too, can become very mechanical. However, the words your discover are your PERSONAL POWER WORDS. They belong to no one else, and when you begin to trust the techniques you do on a daily basis, you’ll find the universe is yours to enjoy.
Oh, by the way: you are strongly advised not to reveal any words you receive in your inner worlds. These are YOUR words - gifts from the inner to yourself. Likewise, always ask if you should share a dream you have had that reveals some bit of knowledge or insight, and whether you should reveal to others the techniques you begin to develop on your own.
If you ever have a doubt about something, take a moment before you act. Take a few deep breaths, unobtrusively to others. Close your eyes a moment, if you are able, and silently chant your PERSONAL POWER WORD. Believe you receive the insight you seek. Act on your insights. If things do not occur for you the way you expect, look for the reasons. Are you being guided in another direction? Was this, perhaps, not the right person for you to be having a relationship with? Or was this, perhaps, the wrong business decision? Why did you select peppers for dinner instead of lettuce? Maybe peppers are what you need to eat.
One last note: The more you trust your inner guidance, the stronger this bond becomes. Do not have fear. No psychic being is taking you over and controlling you. All that is occurring is that you are coming into balance within yourself, and you are becoming more aware of that which already exists within you.
You are TAPPING YOUR PERSONAL I-R ZONE more and more, and delving deeper into your own person world of IMAGINATIVE-REALITY!!!
There are three main types of dreams we will present in this section:
1) SLEEP DREAMS, with which we are all familiar,
2) DAY-DREAMS, those we have while we are “awake”, or
rather, not sleeping, and,
3) WAKING DREAMS - those we have while fully awake,
and not in the Day-Dream state, either - also known as
There are other terms used to describe these three types of dreams, or states of being, or levels of consciousness, and there are other terms used to describe our total makeup as human beings. Let’s keep it simple!
We may make use of all three of these states of dreaming, because we can define a dream as merely IMAGE-SCENES passing before the mind. With the help of simple techniques, we can alter the IMAGE-SCENES passing before the mind, and ultimately change our dreams!
Consciously working in the SLEEP DREAM state is called LUCID DREAMING. When we change our dreams on a consistent basis, we change our outer lives as well. It is a Law of the Universe that THE INNER CONTROLS THE OUTER! This is not so hard as it may seem at first. Let’s take a look at each type of dream in a little more detail.
These dreams being when we lapse from fully-awakened consciousness into that period we commonly refer to as sleep. It’s the REM period in which dreams occur. REM stands for RAPID EYE MOVEMENT, because sleep observers have documented that during REM we are dreaming.
Sleep time is a period when our body re-chemicalizes itself, in an attempt to heal itself, and re-balance after a day of conscious activity. Whether we are highly physically active, moderately so, or in bed all-day-long, we still need this period of sleep to re-balance the body.
During the sleep state, we all dream, though many of us do not remember that we have dreamed. Only very intoxicated people may not dream. Since it is safe to assume we all dream, we need to work on trying to recall our dreams, and see if we can make some sense out of them.
These dreams occur during the day time, when we aren’t sleeping. We can be walking down the street, sitting in a park, at our desk at work, driving in the car, or just about anywhere - during the period when we are supposed to be fully awake, or, not asleep. Consistent use of the DAY DREAM, in a conscious way, by persistently placing attention on some objective or goal we wish to achieve, often helps that goal to be realized in our PERSONAL UNIVERSE.
These dreams are only different from DAY DREAMS because we are hardly aware of them. Did you ever think that your whole existence is a dream? If we don’t think of a dream as something that is false, and see it as truth, that is, believe that the term DREAM refers to real experiences, then all of life IS a dream! We call these WAKING DREAMS, because they happen during the awakened state - as differentiated from the sleep state, or DAY DREAM state, which is often brief.
The sleep state may be measured scientifically when our body functions are decreased, and our brains are functioning on a particular wave length, or frequency. This level is called ALPHA or sometimes THETA. There is also the DELTA state, which is the deepest level of sleep. In DEEP delta we may not dream at all, because we have sunk to a level BEYOND dreams.
These wavelengths of the brain were named in the order in which they were discovered. Scientists have discovered ALPHA, BETA, GAMMA, DELTA, and THETA. I don’t want to get TOO deeply into the wavelengths, since there are many fine books about them on the market. Suffice to say: ALPHA, THETA and DELTA are increasingly slower rates of brain activity. BETA is the waking state activity. And GAMMA is measured as when the brain communicates with itself, called WHOLE BRAIN COMMUNICATION. ALPHA state is what many people use in meditation, and THETA can also be used for meditation.
We don’t need to get more technical than this. What is MOST important to remember is to know that the sleep state is a VERY special state, and that SLEEP DREAMS are different from the other two types of dreams, only because we generally often have no control over what occurs in the SLEEP DREAMS. You can change all that, if you put in a little effort!
The easiest dreams to work with are those known as WAKING DREAMS. These are really the life you live on a daily basis. Simply - if you want to change your life, you can set goals and objectives by writing them down in a clear, concise way, being very specific about what you want.
It is not the mere writing down or acting out of the goal that is the key. It is the persistent set of IMAGE-SCENES that pass before our minds that will ultimately determine what occurs in our PERSONAL UNIVERSE. Some refer to this as REALITY!
Therefore, we must decide what we want in life, whether a long-range goal or a short-range goal, and we must put attention on this goal, in a light way. It is our attention to the detail of the IMAGE-SCENES that pass before our minds that makes the real difference. Keep your DREAM IMAGES on the goal you want to achieve. You must act as if you already have that which is the object of your desire. Use thought and feeling along with the IMAGE-SCENES that match the desired objective or goal.
You must put thought and feeling into these IMAGE-SCENES, and see them like a play on stage. Otherwise, they are just dead images, and though the IMAGE-SCENE might still manifest in your outer life, it may lack true life and vitality - which would have otherwise been instilled in the now-realized objective, if only you had infused your DREAM-IMAGING with thought and feeling. You are the writer or your personal little play, and the director and your inner world is also composed of all the actors; which is really just yourself in many forms.
Generally, a hint about setting goals is not to always set goals with firm time limits. Be open to changes that may occur as the goal or objective begins to be fulfilled. Become aware of any little piece of the puzzle that beings to become clear, and remain open to any changes you may have to make. Also, do not always be firmly set on the exact way the goal or objective will be realized. It may come in a different way than you had at first thought.
It is the IMAGE-SCENES of the goal or objective completed that you want to control. You control only that which belongs to YOU - your own feelings, thoughts, emotions, and IMAGE-SCENES. If you are clear in your thoughts, IMAGE-SCENES, and OUT-PICTURING, then as these thoughts and IMAGE-SCENES go out from your PERSONAL UNIVERSE, into the very ethers of the GLOBAL UNIVERSE, they will be strong and clear, and the likelihood of them returning to you in a clear and strong way is greater. We refer to this activity as OUT-PICTURING - because we are projecting the IMAGE-SCENES out from our PERSONAL UNIVERSE - whether we realize it or not!
If what you want from life is fuzzy, or unclear in your mind, there is still the possibility that you may seem to just “fall into things”. That’s okay, too. Still, you haven’t generated any real personal power or control. It is the power to control your PERSONAL UNIVERSE - or your own thoughts and IMAGE-SCENES - that we refer to. It is THIS control that gives you real power - not the power to control other people. A little wisdom here: You became a slave to that which you seek to control, outside yourself!
The DAY DREAM is the next easiest dream method to work with, because, here again, you can control the IMAGE-SCENES that pass before the mind, screening them before you send them out into the ethers to help manifest your goals and objectives. We could have said before that YOU manifest your DREAMS, and let’s be clear about this. In fact, you DO manifest your dreams, whether you control them or not, and we differentiate here and refer to them as goals or objectives for the mind to make a distinction.
In fact, all we REALLY do is manifest the dreams we have occurring in our lives. If we don’t take control of our dreams, then we will not have control of the outcome or endpoint. Most successful people in life, by whatever standard you measure this success, have some areas that they are very clear in. They have clear, well-defined, precise IMAGE-SCENES of what they desire to manifest, in at least one specific area - often money, material possessions, family life or sometimes fame.
These areas, whether they consciously know it or not, become the dreams they have as WAKING DREAMS, and often as DAY DREAMS, and sometimes as SLEEP DREAMS. Their pervasive thoughts, and, consequently, IMAGE-SCENES, become bathed in these goals, or objectives, and are automatically OUT-PICTURED to be imprinted on the very creative essence of the universe!
To the degree you can control your dreams, to that degree are your goals and objectives likely to be realized using your dreams as the direct tool to assist the pieces of the puzzle in coming together in the most economical and effortless way. This is a statement of fact. If you accept it as fact, it will help you along the way.
Up to now we have discussed the WAKING DREAM and the DAY DREAM. Both of these dreams have much in common. The DAY DREAM may be viewed as a part of the WAKING DREAM, because the WAKING DREAM pervades our waking consciousness, until we fall into the sleep state. At that point, the SLEEP DREAM takes over. The DAY DREAM may be seen as just a slice-of-life, or a momentary crossover into a higher dimension - an element the WAKING DREAM does not always have.
First, begin to work with the WAKING DREAM. Then work on the DAY DREAM. We’ll give you some techniques for both of these types of dreams in a moment.
The SLEEP DREAM is where all the scientific research has invested many countless hours in trying to decipher just what occurs during sleep, and during dreaming. Accept it as thruth that we all dream every night. Even animals dream, though their dreams are not of quite the same fabric as ours. After all - why would a dog worry about money in his dream life?
If you so desire, you should begin to keep a DREAM JOURNAL. To do this, write down pertinent details you remember from the dreams you recall. Let us assume you do recall some dreams, even if not every night.
To help yourself recall the SLEEP DREAMS before you go to sleep at night, say to yourself: “I will awaken when I have a dream and record the dream in my journal.” Say this every night two or three times just before bed time. Then allow yourself to drift effortlessly into sleep.
When you awaken to record a dream, write down details. Don’t write a story. Be aware of time, place, color, weather, feelings, thoughts, tastes, fragrances, things and whatever else impresses you. If there are people you recognize, write this down too.
Each person has their own unique dream symbols. No two people have the exact same set of symbols. This is why we ask you to start writing down your dreams, so you can take a look at YOUR personal dream symbols over a period of time.
*** Keeping a dream journal is a vital link between your INNER WORLDS, your DREAMS WORLDS and your OUTER LIFE! Do not take this suggestion lightly.
NOTE: If you believe you do not dream, and that you do not recall your dreams,
After you’re recorded half a dozen dreams, or more, in your journal, read what you’ve written down. As you begin to make a conscious effort to remember your dreams, the process will likely become easier. When you are able to remember and record your dreams on a fairly consistent basis, look at what you’ve recorded with a more serious attitude. Begin to study your own dreams. Do not ask others for advice, because these are YOUR dreams - and they give you a glimpse into YOUR OWN PRIVATE WORLD!!!
You can begin to see what thoughts and images pervade your PERSONAL UNIVERSE through this study. While working on the WAKING DREAM and DAY DREAM techniques, the recording and studying of the SLEEP DREAMS will assist you to find out where you are AT right now in your life.
Keep the IMAGE-SCENES in your WAKING DREAM and DAY DREAMS what you want them to be.
Keep the IMAGE-SCENES in your WAKING DREAM and DAY DREAMS what you want them to be. If you want a large house, envision it in some detail - How many bedrooms? How many bathrooms? What color is your master bedroom? What does the kitchen look like? What kind of trees are in the back yard? All these details help give life to the IMAGE-SCENE and help make the dream a reality.
The better you understand your own dream symbols, the better you will become at this next part. Once you are at the point of remembering your SLEEP DREAMS and understanding your own symbols, for the most part, you can begin to change your SLEEP DREAMS, to have them be the way you want them to be.
As your attention to the IMAGE-SCENES and thoughts that occur in your WAKING and DAY DREAMS becomes more focused, you may begin to perceive changes in your SLEEP DREAMS. Now is when you begin to work in this area as well. As you become more and more proficient in remembering, recording and studying your SLEEP DREAMS, you will begin to notice some things that are common, or have special significance for you. These are your PERSONAL DREAM SYMBOLS.
As some beginning practice for this, here is a little exercise that may assist you in this endeavour. Sit in a quiet place and close your eyes. Breathe deeply and slowly a few times and just relax. Focus your attention between your eyebrows, gently. With your attention focused here, and without straining your eyes, imagine a little dark stage in this place.
Now, you can begin the exercise. Imagine a scene taking place on this inner stage of your vision. It can be whatever scene you want. It can be you walking down the street and bending over to pick up a newspaper off the sidewalk. Repeat the scene several times. Maybe you are driving a car down the street. The scene is not limited to the confines of the little stage you see in front of you.
Envision a scene that has motion in it. Then, after you have repeated it a few times, and you are sure you have the scene in your mind’s eye, so-to-speak, start the vision again. Only THIS time, STOP IT MIDWAY, and HOLD THE ACTION. It’s sort of like the pause on a video machine. Freeze the image. If you seem unable to do this the first few times, do not become discouraged. This is a very difficult process for most of us. It was for ME the first many times I tried it.
Keep at this exercise for about ten or fifteen minutes everyday, if you can, until you are able to envision a scene with action and then to stop the action in the scene. Keep on with this until you feel quite confident that you can do this without much effort. Try different scenes - see the ocean waves roll up on the shore. Stop them before they break. Stop both the action and the sound. Then allow the action and sound to begin again.
If you think this is all just a bunch of garbage, or that it’s just IMAGINATION - well! It is what you believe it to be. However, if you accept the statement that dreams are merely IMAGE-SCENES passing before the mind - then what is life, anyway? By the way, this single technique is one of the MOST powerful ways to control your life.
IMAGINATION is truly the key to the whole process of envisioning a goal or objective. Some people do use negative IMAGINATION. They often use force and manipulation to achieve their goals. However, by far, the vast majority of people who achieve LASTING success in manifesting their goals, do it by using the imaginative powers in a constructive way. We only hear about the ones who are out of balance, on the news. Forget about these people - there is a better way!
Be patient with yourself. This may be a long process. After all, you’re trying to undo negative thought patterns from perhaps many years of conditioning. Be patient. Slowly, things will being to change for you. And then you will pick up speed, and things will change ever faster. I PROMISE!
You should begin to notice a change in your SLEEP DREAMS as you continually practice the STOP-ACTION TECHNIQUE just discussed. Once you have achieved the stop-and-go action with some degree of skill, you are ready for the final part of this exercise: CHANGING YOUR DREAMS! That’s right! After all, life is what you make it - if you don’t like it CHANGE IT!
This is the key to the whole thing about dreams. Learn to control your SLEEP DREAMS so that the IMAGE-SCENES that pass before your mind are those you want, and not those the mind wants. These very IMAGE-SCENES are those that are emitted from your PERSONAL UNIVERSE, through OUT-PICTURING. They travel out into the atmosphere and come back to you. If your IMAGE-SCENES are clear and precise, then your goals and objectives will likely manifest in a clear, precise way. If not - well - your life will likely remain the same as it is now.
There is much information in this section on dreams, and though some of it may be familiar to you, we hope much of it is new to you. We also hope you put it to good use. If you feel it’s not enough, use your own imagination to help you more. Ask yourself questions - then wait, and listen, silently, patiently and gently, for the answers DO come. The techniques written here are a distilled version of teachings that appear in many thousands of books on positive thinking, visualization, dreams and many other subjects as well. You can use these few simple techniques, and your own imagination, to achieve your goals in life.
You can use your dream world to assist you to gain access to virtually anything you want. Dream your way to happiness, joy, and true prosperity - that is not limited to just the monetary realm. With an increased inner sense of happiness, alone, it is likely your monetary status will increase.
REMEMBER: All changes must first start within you. No outer change will make you a truly different person. If you are poor, wearing a tuxedo will not make you rich. Likewise, if you are wealthy, wearing tattered clothing will not make you a homeless person. You are what you are, and you can change what you are by first changing what’s inside!
What you think, what you feel, what you say, what you envision - all have tremendous power to assist you to change your PERSONAL INNER UNIVERSE. There isn’t much else to say except - the REST is up to you!!!
You might find it unusual to discuss ATTITUDE and HARMONICS in the same chapter and couple these two with the word VIBRATIONS. However, they all seem to have something in common, or can at least be linked in a way that a certain understanding of this section can assist you to accomplish your objectives.
Few definitions, used in our daily language, for the word ATTITUDE, really suffice to define what it means for us here. ATTITUDE, as used in this text, refers to: A way of BEING about something. This can be a feeling, an object, a person, or anything that we can form some judgement about. We might say that an ATTITUDE is a judgement, or perception of something - or the energy we hold about something.
HARMONICS, likewise, has an insufficient definition: The study of the physical characteristics of musical sound. Since music is sound, and sound is vibration, we are getting a little closer to linking these three together. HARMONICS also deals with octaves which are, in a sense, degrees of something. For example, in music we can have any number of notes labeled “C”. Of the various notes called “”C” on the piano, each is a HARMONIC, or variation, of the others known as “C”.
One “C” may vibrate at one rate, and the next-higher “C” will vibrate at a higher rate, still retaining the basic HARMONIC, or original content of the note known as “C”. Going in the other direction, the next-lower “C” will vibrate at a lower rate, still retaining the basic HARMONIC, content or SOUND of the “C” we started with for comparison.
The word VIBRATION has a few definitions, one of which serves our need here: a rapid to-and-fro of the particles of an elastic body or medium that produces sound.
All of life proceeds in a WAVE motion, not in a particle motion. What do we mean by this? While from one perspective we live life in a linear fashion from birth to death, this is not actually the reality. Although this is how we PERCEIVE life to be, it is not how life actually IS! When you begin to understand that life is not how it seems to be, and begin to look at life with a new perspective, truly magical things will occur for you.
Your life does not go from day-to-day by you doing one thing and then another. There are countless “things”, or situations, occurring in your life simultaneously. You don’t put all your efforts into one single action at a time. If you did, your life would be very inefficient, and it would probably take you a virtual lifetime to accomplish anything at all.
We set into motion many things in our life, and this setting-them-in-motion causes the essence of the “thing”, the VIBRATION or HARMONIC, behind the “thing”, to be cast out into the universe. The energy behind any thought or feeling is what we are driving at here. The essence of a thing is the VIBRATION of it, not the perception of the material result.
Have you ever noticed when you are depressed, or angry, things around you seem to confirm that you are depressed, or angry? You may have a lousy day in which everything seems to go wrong. Have you ever really thought about why this is? Has it occurred to you that perhaps you have set into motion, by your thoughts, certain ATTITUDES, that sent out strong VIBRATIONS into the world, and that the universe only sent back to you what you sent out?
I tell you this is so! While it’s true we reap what we sow, it’s also important to know that not all seeds begin to grow at the same rate. Some show signs of growth early on; others take a longer period in which to be recognized. All of our goals do not reach the desired endpoint we are hoping for, in the same instant.
If you had two properly formed goals, for example: “I want a new car”, and “I want to graduate from college”: it is not necessarily so that the two goals would manifest, or reach their logical endpoint, in the same moment. It all depends on so many factors and circumstances, though we may safely say each of these two objectives has their own time-frame, set of VIBRATIONS, and requirements for accomplishment.
Regardless of any outer actions we may feel we need to manifest a goal or desire, it is really the inner qualities that are paramount in this process. If we adopt an ATTITUDE that the object of our desire is an absolute, and that it is already accomplished, and that we are already living in the reality of the goal accomplished, then a very powerful matrix is created.
All that is in tune, or in HARMONY, with this goal, by virtue of the ATTITUDES set up around it, will be drawn to us. If our ATTITUDES are strongly positive and supportive of the goal we want to accomplish, then the so-called time necessary to complete the action, and realize the goal in the physical, may be shortened. If, however, our ATTITUDES and feelings detract from the goal, then the so-called time necessary to realize the goal may be lengthened, or the goal may not be manifested at all.
Everything we do in life sets forth VIBRATIONS. If you throw a stone into a still pool of water and observe the concentric rings that are formed in the water around where the stone was dropped, you can begin to get an idea of VIBRATIONS and WAVES. If you are able to watch motion pictures made from still photographs of the growth of a plant, you will see that the plant does not actually grow in a straight line. What we see with our eyes is not still.
We perceive the plant as growing, but not moving as it changes. The still-life photographs, made into the motion picture, show us that in fact, the plant grows, and that it moves as it grows. It moves in a wavelike pattern.
When a radio beam is sent forth, or broadcast from its source, the radio waves are sent out into the ethers of the universe in a similar way as the ripples are created in the water when you toss a stone in a still pond.
You should be aware that the air around us, which we may refer to as the ethers, is not this still pond. That even on a quiet night, when not a sound can be heard, the universe around us is packed with waves of energy and VIBRATION, and that if we have the right device, or the right technique, we can tune into what is already occurring around us all the time.
If you tune your radio to AM, you can listen to those stations that broadcast using the AM vibrations. If you tune in to FM you can listen to those who broadcast in the FM range. If you want to perceive the pictures and sound that are broadcast into the ethers, you would need a television, or similar device. What if you wanted to perceive the thoughts of another person? Or send thought TO another person? What device would you use for this?
We, as humans, are able to perceive many things. We perceive the body language of another; the facial expressions; the emotions that have no spoken words behind them; and, often, we are able to actually perceive the thoughts of another. It is not so hard to tune into the vast array of thoughts that are always in flux in the universe.
Getting back to us as individuals: We are our own best and most powerful broadcast station and receiver. If you are clear in the message you want to send out, the goal, perhaps, then the universe will receive the message with clarity, and will be able to send back to you those other vibrations that are in harmony with the vibrations you initiated. The vibrations you send out may be attitudes, or thoughts, or feelings, or even visual perceptions.
All life is VIBRATION, and so we can expect nothing different back from the world than VIBRATIONS. Sometimes the VIBRATIONS we receive come back to us in the form of harsh remarks from others. VIBRATIONS may also be returned to us in these forms: love, material objects, money, or anything we want.
If you want money, and take the appropriate steps to set a goal to experience money, and maintain a strong attitude that you want this money, and are clear about your goal, you have set up a very strong VIBRATION in the universe. The thoughts you put out to the universe, in the form of energy, or VIBRATION, will attract other like thoughts, and in some way, at some moment in eternity, money WILL manifest in your personal universe. It’s really just that simple!
Why, then, isn’t everyone rich of coin? That’s a good question, and one that has a lot of confusion and speculation surrounding it. Basically, it seems that anyone can have anything they want. However, if you are not truly prepared to accept that which is the object of your desire, then you may either be prevented from having this thing, or, when you receive this thing, you will be unable to truly accept it and handle it, and will ultimately lose this thing.
The journey to achievement is really the path, and in this path is where you gain the wisdom you need to “intelligently” know what you need in your life. Sometimes people seem to be prevented from achieving the object of their desires. This is no lie or mockery of the powers of the universe. Better to look within and see WHY you are being prevented, or why there appears to be a delay in the realization of the object of your desire.
I tell you, truly, that if you hold to your inner beliefs knowing they are real, and yield to your inner guidance, you will achieve that which you need to have exist in your personal universe. It does not matter what others do. All that matters is what YOU do in your personal universe, and that you hold to your own ethics and inner beliefs.
Create and broadcast an ATTITUDE of positivity and acceptance that all things that are in HARMONY with your desires will be guided toward you, and that energy, or VIBRATIONS, you create within your own being, your own personal universe, shall come back to you a hundred fold. Believe you are a point through which the abundance of the universe flows. Experience and partake of the flow and do not block it. When the abundance of money flows through you, if you stuff it in your mattress, you stop the flow. If, however, you spend it, or invest it in some way, you keep the channel open to receive more of this abundance from the universe.
Here’s a simple exercise with profound consequences: Decide one night before you go to sleep, that the next day will be a very positive one, and that all that occurs in your life will be positive. Be certain that this will occur. When you awaken in the morning, reaffirm that your day will be a positive day, and that all that occurs for you will be leading you closer to the realization of your goals.
See if your day is not a little better than the previous day. That is, if you have generally been a pessimistic, or negative person, your day may be only SLIGHTLY better. If you change your ATTITUDES, you can change your life, even if you didn’t set any well-defined goals. And you would take a lot of stress out of your life, just by having a positive ATTITUDE. However, this book is about living a life that is much more well-balanced than just changing your ATTITUDES, though this is a great place to start.
Anything you want to accomplish in life takes some EFFORT. This EFFORT, or expenditure of energy, can be physical, emotional or mental. It can also be energy expended on some other level. EFFORT may be defined as: Active or applied force. This is the energy behind something. If we set a goal and then take no action to accomplish it, likely it may fizzle out.
CONCENTRATED EFFORT is energy that is applied in a focused way. We cannot scatter our energy, for though the universe recognizes that no energy is ever lost, and that it is merely transmuted into another form, there are ways to focus our energy in a concentrated way so we don’t burn ourselves out and become tired through our exertions.
DISCIPLINE may be defined as: Control gained by obedience or training; or, a system of rules governing conduct. There are many other definitions for this word. When we think of DISCIPLINE, we often visualize a person who goes to the gym everyday to train, working their physical bodies very hard. If this is the picture you conjure up when you think of DISCIPLINE, or if the word DISCIPLINE makes you think of limitation, then get ready to CHANGE YOUR PERCEPTION!
DISCIPLINE may be thought of as an orderly way of doing something on a consistent basis. This means if you do something everyday to accomplish your goal, even if it is only five minutes, then you are developing a DISCIPLINED way of action. These five minutes a day will surely create mountains of success in your life.
If someone wants to be a writer, for example, and does not write, they are not moving any closer to accomplishing their goal. If, on the other hand, a person writes everyday, even if for just five minutes, in a few weeks or months, they may have many pages to review. The old saying: Once started, half done, is often quite true. We must begin-to-begin and once we have begun, and are in motion, it is easier to continue.
Be aware, however, that some of the ways we may be guided to act in, may not be exactly doing the thing we have setup as a goal! In other words, you may be guided to walk in the park instead of sitting at the typewriter to write. Follow your inner guidance ALWAYS, since it is likely the walk in the park may move you much further along than to sit at the typewriter this particular day.
Be aware and act on those feeling and nudges you get to do things that may not be directly and obviously related to your goal. Still, keep focused on your goal, however, and look for the significance and relevance of the action you are guided to partake in that you may think has nothing to do with your goal directly.
A strong desire can also assist you to keep up with your DISCIPLINED way of doing things, though DISCIPLINE should not be thought of as a burden. In fact, by becoming DISCIPLINED, we actually create greater freedom for ourselves, because our lives become more ordered, and we actually almost “create” more “time” to do fun things: more energy is liberated for us to have at our command.
CONCENTRATED EFFORT means that we become aware of what we are doing in the moment we are doing something, and that we put INTENTION behind our actions. INTENTION is often a purpose that may not be apparent to others who observe us. This is not important. What IS important, though, is that WE be aware of what we are doing, and that we do each action in the knowingness that each action is helping to fulfill our goals and objectives, or at least leading us further along the path.
THOUGHTS are vibrations, and they are very strong, at that. Have you ever been in a room with someone who is very strong with their words? Someone who can sway other people by what they say? In fact, it is not just the words they use. It is the vibration, or force of the thoughts behind the words, or the INTENTION, that helps create the power. Emotions also play an important role here.
If you being to develop a way of being that is true and sincere, and you act from a place of honesty and sincerity, and genuineness, you will begin to see that even when you speak quietly, softly or even silently in some cases, people will respect you, and you will begin to get a glimpse of the secret of your inner power.
“He who yells the loudest and the longest often turns out to be right!” This is a common saying, and appears to be true, on the surface. It may be true, though it is only true in the instant. The person who has REAL, pure truth embedded within them speaks in a way that is genuine and sincere, with respect to the attitudes, feelings and ways of others. Thereby, this person gains the trust of others, and with this trust gained, miracles can be performed.
When you have set some goal, or objective that you want to accomplish, you must have some kind of plan. If you are not certain of the plan, or the road you will follow, then you can still begin to ACT AS-IF you DO know the plan, being absolutely certain the way will unfold for you. It is important that you become aware of all the thoughts you send out: Are they true? Do they have some bearing on your objectives in life? If not, change them.
Doing things on a consistent basis is a DISCIPLINE. Getting up everyday is a DISCIPLINE that we perform automatically, like going to the bathroom and brushing our teeth. We can become DISCIPLINED, or habitualized, in any behaviour we exhibit in our lives. The mental energy we put out behind our thoughts must be centralized, or focused. This is CONCENTRATED EFFORT.
The ACTIONS we take to help our objectives begin to manifest in the physical world, depend on CONCENTRATED EFFORT and the DISCIPLINE to hold to the principle of AS-IF, and controlling our THOUGHTS. We can sit in a room and think about things forever. Until we take some physical action, we may not move any closer to the physical realization of our goals.
Here’s an interesting exercise to focus on:
Sit in a chair and clear your mind. Focus your vision on something across the room that you want to walk over to and pick up and take back to your chair. CONCENTRATE on the object and FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION on the object. Think about rising up from the chair and walking over to the object you want to grasp.
Become aware of every THOUGHT, FEELING and ACTION you take as you rise from the chair and approach ever-closer to the object. Become totally aware of the moment - of each second. Focus even more intently on what you are doing. If you are able to do this exercise in the right way, you will get some idea of CONCENTRATED EFFORT from the focusing of your THOUGHTS. You will get some idea of DISCIPLINE by having to put your attention on both the goal of the object you must obtain and of the process involved. With VERY little practice, this exercise will become easier and more gratifying.
You should become aware of the ACTION involved in rising up from the chair, walking to the object, grasping it, and returning to the chair. What was once an automatic ACTION, when broken down into parts and really studied, gives you some idea behind the mechanics of ACTION. Paying particular attention to THOUGHT, as it is generated and passes through your mind, may give you a glimpse of the power you have within you.
* * *
This chapter is not very long, and it is intentionally that way. It isn’t because the author got tired writing. There are hundreds upon hundreds of books written on every subject in this book. Why, then, should you ever read it? And of what value is it for you? As I researched the myriad titles that are available, I was struck with this impression: all that seems to matter is that the spark is ignited within you, and that it really doesn’t seem to matter which book you read to ignite this spark.
You must move yourself into ACTION. No one can do this for you, and no author will jump off the page and smack you in the face to awaken you and motivate you to ACTION. You must learn to find the knowledge you need that will cause this motivation to ACTION to occur. It doesn’t matter whether you read that information in this book, or in one of the thousands of other titles available to you. What matters is that you:
CONCENTRATED EFFORT and DISCIPLINE will help you really focus your energy and not burn yourself out. You will be able to realize you have the necessary knowledge to do what you want, and that you have set some goal, or objective, and are aware of the path, or are making strides to tune into your own inner guidance for these steps. Actually, if you pay attention, and become more sensitive to everything that occurs for you, you will find that life, itself, teaches you all there is to know.
THOUGHTS are many, and the energy they generate is powerful. Become aware of everything you think. Become aware of that “mental talk” you talk everyday. So often, we destroy ourselves and prevent our own greatness from shining forth because of the consistent subliminal “mental talk” we hear ourselves thinking. Know that your THOUGHTS are powerful tools, and that the energy behind them, created by the force of the INTENTION, can either build you up or tear you down.
THOUGHTS, alone, can break the cycle of inertia. If you are stuck in inaction, and have no motivation, possibly feeling that life has beaten you, or that you just don’t have what it takes, you are misguided, and are living under one of the grand illusions of society. There is abundance for all! Begin to think the THOUGHTS that concur with this truth.
When you think, and when you talk to yourself, be kind. Say things like: “I’m a great person”, “I deserve to have this... (whatever goal or objective.)”; “The universe is abundant and I am worthy to partake of this abundance.”; “Everything that occurs for me in life is guiding me ever-closer to the realization of my goals and objectives.”
ACTION is an important key as well, for without ACTION on some level, in most cases, nothing happens. For most people, the ACTION is of the self. That is, we, ourselves, must take the physical action to accomplish something. If, however, you are incapable, physically, of moving, or performing the ACTION you perceive from your inner guidance, then others will fulfill this part of the plan for you, if you are focused and clear and directed in your goals and objectives.
Do not feel you are USING others to assist you. Be grateful that someone comes into your universe to assist you in the fulfillment of your goals and objectives. If your THOUGHTS are strong enough, and you are sincere about accomplishing your goals, and do not manipulate others with your THOUGHTS, and if you are truly grateful and thankful for all that you receive, then:
There are several definitions for COMMITMENT that we may focus on here. “To put into charge or trust; to pledge or assign some particular course or use.” Why do we even bother to look up the definition of words we use? One reason is for CLARITY; so that we can distinguish between the all-too-often profound differences between the actual definition of a word, and its usage in our everyday language. COMMITMENT is both the degree of pledging to something, which is an action, and also it may mean an ideal or direction that we are so-pledged.
In either definition, or whatever you perceive the word COMMITMENT to mean, it is essential to understand that once you have set goals and objectives and are working toward the realization of these goals, you must have a COMMITMENT to them. This means you must focus attention on these goals and objectives and be true to them - you must do all that you become aware of that will lead you ever-further toward their realization.
Being COMMITTED does not mean we become unaware of anything else that occurs in our world. This borders on obsession. COMMITMENT may mean to you that your attention is given to your goals and objectives a goodly part of your time of attention, and that you act on any guidance you receive that leads you further toward the realization of that to which you are committed.
INTEGRITY means: “adherence to a code of values: utter sincerity, honesty and candor (honesty).” INTEGRITY is a very personal thing, for no one can judge the depth of your sincerity or adherence to a code of values. These values we speak of are our personal ethics - those thoughts and feelings we have developed that tell us what is right and wrong. If we are instilled with a strong sense of what is right and wrong at an early age, it is possible that our ethics of right and wrong will be so deeply ingrained in our consciousness that we may never do anything that we consider to be wrong. This, too, may become an obsession.
We may temper the degree to which we state truth in a given situation. If your spouse gets dressed to go out for the evening, and asks you how they look, you must put your personal opinions aside, sometimes, so that you do not offend. If you do not like how they are dressed, you may still state this, though you must do so in a kind and compassionate way. Discretion is the better part of valor.
For some people, their sense of right and wrong does not conform to what the society-at-large decrees is right and wrong. Some people do not see anything wrong with killing another person when their anger gets out of control, or when they need to settle a personal debt, or to save their honor. Others may alter their ethics, having one set for their personal life, and another for business.
This dual standard, which is often clearly separated, truly causes great rifts inside the person. It may cause them to become hardened and closed to the truths written in this book, because they can see no other way. Their dual set of ethics has created a world around them that they believe to be SO, and it does indeed become as they have mocked it up to be.
It is not my place to criticize the morals and ethics of people. It’s a very subjective and personal topic, and one can never truly know how they will react in any given situation. People with so-called low ethics may do things that are truly abhorrent to the society at large, while another person with so-called high ethics considered to be the pillar of society, may sink to the depths of moral and ethical decadence, if the situation calls for it.
We have all heard and read about people who reached the top of the financial ladders, having amassed tremendous fortunes. They become pillars of society, becoming popular and often donating large sums of money to so-called good causes, and charities. Then, all-too-often, we find these same people possibly entering political life and reaching a point of corruption in either this public service vocation or in their private lives. It’s not too hard to find many examples of these people.
However, let’s take a moment to reflect on all the good these people do. By someone reaching great heights, even if they ultimately falter, it makes it easier for the next person to reach this same height - unless they are artificially trying to suppress others from reaching this plateau. If they are, then they are not a fully-integrated person. That is, they may have done things to get to where they are that they are not proud of and do not want anyone to know about. So they try to shield themselves.
This is not important for our study here. It is important to know that even though the ends do not always justify the means, that is, the result does not always justify the path to get there, we can learn much from these people. We can at least learn that it’s possible to become successful. And if one member of society can do it, so can a thousand, or a million. It all depends on our outlook and belief.
There is a statement that has been written about for centuries, and it is based on very sound universal laws: “If you do more than you are paid to do, eventually you will be paid for more than you do.” This statement means that if we always give that extra effort or inch, or mile in some cases, we will eventually get compensated for this extra effort, even if not in the way we might think or expect. Beware, though, that you do not expend the extra effort because you expect something in return. Do it because you understand and have belief in the:
What goes around comes around, is also another popular statement. Energy is never lost. However, if we do not focus our energy, we lose it from our personal universe, and it is then accessible to someone else. If you have a great idea for a product, and you just know it will be something to improve the lives of others, even if it is just a novelty item, and you do nothing to try to get it produced and marketed, you have failed to be true to that item.
What’s worse: if you tell someone about the item and they steal the idea and market it themselves, even though you may be due some recompense by the laws of society, you have really done a greater injustice to yourself than you can ever imagine. There is nothing wrong with gaining and confidence of other people and working in a spirit of cooperation to get the project underway. However, if you only talk about your ideas, and do nothing to help them manifest, you are just spinning your wheels.
You have failed to take what you perceived within and manifest it without. This does not mean everything you perceive within yourself needs to be manifested. You must decide which things you want to invest your personal energy in. I like to write, and so I have written this book, and other books as well. You may choose to give or sell some of your ideas to others, who feel they have no creativity to develop any original ideas of their own. These are the people who would otherwise steal ideas from you, because they lack the confidence to look within and be truly creative.
We’re almost getting off the subject, though this little detour seems important to our understanding. We all have the same ability to be creative; it only takes something to ignite that spark and start our internal fires going. Once they are aflame, nothing should stop them or put the fire out.
If you do every action in your life with a positive attitude, and an internal knowingness that each action leads you ever closer to the realization of your goals, and if your attitude is one of joy as you perform each action in your life, then the energy surrounding each single activity you do is multiplied a hundred times and more.
You can cook a meal and serve it to your family with very little love and care. You can go out and earn money for yourself or your family, and have an attitude of hatred toward your job. In both cases, the objective will be realized: the meal will be cooked and served and the money will be earned.
However, what do you think might happen if you were to do those same two actions with joy and excitement and infused each situation with love? What if you were so excited to cook that you couldn’t wait to perform the action: you enjoyed the shopping, the preparing and the serving? I’ll tell you that if you put joy and love into your every action, those around you are affected, and this generation of energy, which is simple to create, comes back to you a thousand fold.
Most people seem to dislike their jobs - at least that’s what I’ve heard throughout my entire life. If you hate your job, too bad. It’s no one’s fault but your own. If you truly love your job, and absolutely love being there and doing it, then you are very fortunate indeed. Perhaps you don’t need the information in this book. However, for the majority of people I’ve met in my life, this book can be of tremendous assistance in changing the way we live our lives.
Let’s take a real example: You dislike your job, but you know you want to do something else. By the way, if you don’t have a job, or a source of income other than government support, in some instances, you must get a job. If you are on public support, do not worry: this example works here too.
So, you dislike your job, or the way money comes to you, and you have already set some goals or objectives that you believe will cause money to come to you in a way that you want. You may want more money. Perhaps you have an idea that you want a better job so you go to school to get more training, or send out resumes. Perhaps you have an idea for a product, and aren’t sure how the pieces will come together to produce and market it. Perhaps you feel you have absolutely no education so your life is a dead-end. Don’t believe this statement either.
Believe that once you have a goal, or objective, and that you have written this down, and refined it, and feel confident that the written statement says what you want it to say, and that you focus on this statement, that everything in your life will be a part of the process to accomplish this goal or objective. Begin, at once, to change your attitude about the actions you take in life. If you hate your job, begin to love your job - love every action you take.
You don’t have to run around the office smiling. You can keep your joy inside, and as you generate this inner joy of activity, things around you will change. However, what you are interested in developing is an attitude of joy and love in doing every action, knowing that each action helps move you further along toward your goals, and being in a situation you believe you will like.
You do each action in this way, and you will begin to see, that no matter what occurs around you, you are, in fact, moving closer and closer to your goals. Do not be concerned what others say to you or do to you. If you are following this principle, doing more than you are paid for, with an attitude of joy, and love and increase, and you are fired from your job, believe this is a sign that you are to move on. It is an opportunity for growth, not a time for sadness. You have been given your freedom.
I know this FIRSTHAND, for this actually happened to me, and I took this termination as a sign that I didn’t have to work in that job anymore and that I had been given a bit of freedom to do some of the things I really wanted to do. I’m not saying you should focus on being terminated, only that you should take every single occurrence in your life as a sign that you are moving closer to the realization of your goals.
It may be that someone will cross your path seemingly from out of the blue, with whom you may team up to produce and market that product you have been working on in your “spare time”. Always be alert to what is occurring around you, and look for opportunities for growth.
You must remain COMMITTED to your goals and objectives and you must remain COMMITTED to your ethics and morals, for these form the basis of your INTEGRITY. Do you lie, cheat, steal? You don’t have to. You can make a positive change by attempting to lessen these actions each day. Eventually, you will step into a higher place, and you won’t be doing these self-destructive actions as much anymore. Eventually, you may even cancel them out completely.
It is not my place to tell you about what I may consider to be my triumphs or success, and what I may consider to be my failures and shortcomings. For while I’ve followed what I’ve written here in this book, all that matters is that you read it and act on it. Let the information in this book be the spark that ignites your inner flame.
You must come to know, without doubt, that once you have set a strong goal, or objective, the universal energies will fulfill that goal, if you act with COMMITMENT and INTEGRITY in the direction of that realization. It does not matter what occurs around you that you consider to be negative. In fact, by your doing every action in your life with 110% of your ability, in an attitude of joy, and with love in your heart, you will affect those around you, without even saying a word.
If you are disgusted with the murders in your city, and the pollution and the garbage, and the scandals and the corruption, do not focus your attention on these things. You may get involved in some area of humanitarian cause if that is what you feel motivated to do. However, if you follow what is written in this book, and especially these last few chapters, you can do more good for the entire universe and your daily waking state world, than by becoming an outer activist.
No amount of money really causes permanent change. What causes change is when the consciousness of people changes to allow new things to occur and come into being. Have you noticed that the “New Age” book sections in most stores has grown tremendously over the last several years? Why do you suppose this is? It’s because people are willing and ready to accept new thoughts. That’s why you purchased THIS book.
You don’t have to read the thousands of books that are printed in this area. You can gain almost all of what you need by looking within yourself. If you need specific information in a specialized area, then seek out and find that information. I’m not asking you to perform open heart surgery without going to medical school, or to be your own lawyer.
If your personal specialties lie in the area of baking, writing, dance, art, working with children or older people or physically or mentally impaired people, then go with your instincts. Whatever area you feel most drawn to is where you belong. What you need to do, if it is your desire, is to find a way to legitimately earn an income from what you feel most in tune with.
You will find what you should be doing by looking within yourself. You must take stock of yourself. Write down things about yourself: What do you want to do? What are your goals and objectives? What are your good qualities? What are you bad qualities? Are you happy? If so, why? If not, why not? If you aren’t happy, what to you think will cause you to be happy? If you are already happy, what makes you this way, and how can you share this true happiness with others?
Questions always breed more questions, and it’s easy to get caught up in this area. Don’t let this happen to you. Decide that you want to change, and then look for the ways to change. After setting a goal or objective, become fully COMMITTED to the realization of this goal. Do every action in your life with a high ethical attitude. This is INTEGRITY. Do each action in your life with joy and love and do each action with 110% of your COMMITMENT, realizing that each single action you do from this moment on helps fulfill the goal or objective you set.
If you want to be an artist, buy paints and paint. If you need training, find that training. Likewise, if you want to be a writer. It does not matter what you want to be in life. If all you want to do is to become a good mother, then do so, realizing that the impact you have on the rest of the world is manifested by your joy and love in living and giving to your children. Perhaps one of them will do the seeming “greater things” in life.
I have a friend who recounted this incident to me: She was married to a man who she loved very much. One day, she was in her kitchen cooking, and following the principles written in this book. She looked out the window and saw her husband chopping wood, and doing so in what appeared to be a very efficient way. He seemed to be enjoying himself.
When he came inside, he had built up quite a sweat, and commented to his wife that he had a great time and really enjoyed himself. In some way, the details of which we do not need to know, her actions, done in a perfect way, with love and joy, allowed HIM to perform HIS task in an easier way as well. The two worked as a unit, in synergy.
Do not infer from this example that I am a chauvinist and that I feel the woman’s place is in the home. We are all individuals and what is needed is a greater understanding of what we, each, TRULY want to do in life. If you are a female and you want to work, a role traditionally thought of as male, then find a way to do this. If you are a male and you want to stay home and raise your children, find a mate who is compatible with you. It’s THAT simple.
We all should find what best suits us and do that to the best of our abilities. You may set goals and objectives, though these should be in harmony with your basic nature. If society tells you to become a lawyer, doctor or accountant, and your inner guidance says you should marry someone and live on a farm in Vermont, then follow your inner guidance. Your life will be enriched by the honesty to your inner guidance.
Again, seek out goals and objectives that are in harmony with yourself - those you can feel comfortable with within yourself, not those you believe society wants you to maintain as goals. A person is far richer if they know who they are, than if they have millions in the bank. This is not to say you can’t have both. You CAN know who you are and you CAN have millions of dollars at your command to do with as you desire.
Hold to the COMMITMENT to your goals and objectives, and follow your inner guidance and direction. Work always to develop a higher, more refined set of ethics and morals. These become the INTEGRITY with which you live life. Always do the best you can, regardless of how other people respond to you. Eventually, at some point, if you hold to these principles, your life will be remarkably different, and you will be able to perform visible miracles in your life.
Few areas seem as confusing to the many people I’ve spoken to, than these two mentioned here: GRATITUDE & PATIENCE. Most people think of PATIENCE as just waiting. The dictionary says PATIENCE is: the act of bearing pain or trials without complaint. Could you think of a more gruesome definition for such an important concept? The dictionary does not give us an adequate understanding of just what PATIENCE really is. Perhaps we can discover some new perspectives for this word, and how to actually DO the action in a more acceptable way, that is more in harmony with our own makeup.
GRATITUDE is defined merely as being thankful. However, there is a much deeper meaning to this word, that, once understood, can help you change your life forever! I say many of the things I do in this book because I know them to be true. There are some writings that support much of what I say. However, all that is important is that YOU embrace the principles written about in this book and apply them to your life. If they work for you, fine. If they don’t, you might consider taking another look at how you have applied them, and to live your life with an attitude of eternal PATIENCE and deep GRATITUDE. An ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE many people say.
Few books write about GRATITUDE, and even the Bible speaks little of it, although it does make reference to this topic in some parts. Not being a Bible scholar, I cannot quote sections of it that support my statements here. If you are familiar with the Bible, then you can surely find those sections that support and illustrate what I’ll say here. Having GRATITUDE is more than merely being thankful for something. It is a concept that is deeply routed in the spiritual tenets of the universe.
When we have done all the goal setting and taken all the necessary steps to prepare for the goal and are following our own inner guidance, we must step back, or SURRENDER a part of the process to something higher than our little ego selves. We learn that we must have ABSOLUTE FAITH that our life will work out, and we must have complete trust in this Higher Power.
It’s not so mystical as it may at first seem. When we plug our goals into the universal energies, we must realize that everything takes some time. Each thing, that shall manifest in eternity, has its own time-frame, as do individual people. Therefore, we must learn to be PATIENT in awaiting all the pieces to come together in the unseen realms, and at the appropriate moment to manifest into the physical world of which we are most familiar.
We are our own best receiver and sender. We send out our thoughts to the universe, and the universe responds to use by sending back clues as to what we should do next to help the thing we desire to manifest in our lives. We are, in a sense, co-creators of the universe. We can create what we want, though we must realize we are responsible for all we create. Therefore, we must be careful to decide just exactly what we DO want.
Once we have done all we feel we can do, we don’t sit back and say: “Now, bring this to me!” Not at all. We go on living in much the same way as before, at least in the beginning. Slowly, and sometimes rather quickly, our life begins to change. Small changes at first, and then bigger and bigger changes. We much become aware of the changes that are leading us ever-closer to the realization of our goals, and living the life we want.
GRATITUDE is a deep feeling of reverence. It goes much deeper than just being thankful, although each thing that happens to you can be blessed by merely saying THANK YOU, as a good start at the outset. As you begin to develop a more sensitive awareness of what this word GRATITUDE really means, you will find that the process of attainment becomes deeper and richer.
When you combine GRATITUDE & PATIENCE, you must also be aware of your: ATTITUDE, ATTENTION and AWARENESS. We’ve already discussed attitudes in this book. The power of attention to your objectives is important, and should not become an obsession. You must begin to develop an awareness to everything that occurs in your life, because, truly, if you believe it to be so, then everything that occurs for you is moving you closer to the realization of your objectives.
You must live life with an attitude of deep GRATITUDE for all that occurs in your personal universe. When something seemingly negative occurs, say a silent thank you, and ask for the wisdom to understand the meaning of the experience in your life. How does it fit in with your goals? When something seemingly positive occurs, do the same thing. Be truly thankful for whatever occurs in your life.
If you are paying attention to what is occurring in your life, it may be possible that you are being guided to either alter your primary goals and objectives, or, sometimes, even to scrap them completely. Do this cautiously. It is not for you to change your objectives every time you meet up with some resistance. Often, resistance makes us stronger. We are being tested by the universe to see the true depth of our COMMITMENT.
It’s a difficult point to say when you should change your goals and objectives or abandon them completely. If what you have set before yourself is something you believe in with your heart, then stick to it. If you have developed a new adhesive, or a new food, or some other product, or you have written something you believe will help others, and will, in effect, be good for the whole of the universe, then stick to your instincts. Don’t let even a thousand rejections deter you from moving in the direction of the realization of the goal you have set.
There are so many examples of people who had great ideas, and who met up with so much rejection you wonder how they could continue. In some instances, they abandoned the project, and it may not have yet manifested. Sometimes, the project may have been taken up by someone else. Occasionally, the person just kept on trying with a high degree of PERSEVERANCE and PERSISTENCE. They could not have done this is they didn’t have a strong feeling of GRATITUDE for all that the universe presented to them, a strong COMMITMENT, and an abiding PATIENCE and BELIEF that their objective would be met.
If you are interested, seek out stories of inspiration that will support what I say here about those who met with failure. Perhaps the best examples are Thomas Edison and Colonel Sanders. Most everyone knows the story of the HUNDREDS of rejections Colonel Sanders got trying to open his restaurants, but he PERSISTED, and finally succeeded.
Thomas Edison is a great example of someone who developed products. Even if he hadn’t met with resistance and rejection from other people, when trying to get a product out, he met with tremendous rejection and seeming personal failure through many of his efforts. His countless thousands of tries to invent the electric light bulb may have seemed absolutely ridiculous to many people at the time. But look at the results!!!
Could it really be worth anything if so many failures occurred along the way? Why bother, after all? There are so many other things to do in life. Why should we keep trying when we meet with one or two or a dozen failures? It’s so much easier to watch television, go out to eat or to a movie. It’s so much easier to just run away from our goals and objectives. But resistance does NOT mean failure, unless we quit.
Imagine how different the world would be if we all lived with a high degree of PERSEVERANCE and PERSISTENCE, and the deeply-routed PATIENCE and GRATITUDE that Thomas Edison exhibited for us? I’m not saying we should all dedicate our lives in the same way. Only that we may often have to sacrifice part of our lives to accomplish the goals and objectives we believe we want to accomplish.
Even if you don’t reach the logical endpoint you thought you would, the process will either teach you that what you originally perceived was not the correct way to go, or that something else lay in store for you. It’s not possible to know, at the outset, what is really there for you to experience. Only by living life can we discover what life has to offer us.
If you knew everything that would occur in your life, BEFORE it happened, then generally you wouldn’t be motivated to live life at a high level of performance. You’d know which day something would occur, and at what time. However, in all likelihood, this does not really happen. For life offers us only possibilities. Even a psychic can only lay the map out in front of you. If you don’t take the steps to get to where you are supposed to be, you will never arrive there.
The universe does not just hand us things. We must do the preparatory work at some point. Preparation is the key. You may set a goal and go for it, and never achieve the exact goal you set down. If you live your life with a deep feeling of GRATITUDE, being truly thankful for all that occurs for you, and you have developed a deep sense of PATIENCE and understanding, and look for the keys in each occurrence, then you will be guided to what you, personally, should do in life.
This is not to say we should not have some focus. Some people have only a single, major focus in life, and therefore, their lives are molded in this direction. Others set more specific goals: money, property and the acquisition of other material possessions, moving up in business, owning stocks etc. It is not my place to state which path is better.
What IS important is that you give your life some direction. You must have some focus in your life. You cannot just say: “Well, it really doesn’t matter. Whatever life gives me is what I’ll take.” Sometimes, taking this stance works very well for some people. Generally, though, people who live this way often live a deeply spiritual life, and develop an innate GRATITUDE and PATIENCE about life that allows them to find the deeper meanings behind every occurrence.
Then again, sometimes these same people may not ever understand the reasons for things, and they may still live life with GRATITUDE and PATIENCE. The joy they bring to others is the spark that lights the flame in those they come into contact with. Isn’t this why we often go to houses of worship? We seek one who can inspire us to live life the way it is intended. In HARMONY with the Higher Power. We must learn to separate the way life is intended for US, not the way someone else wants us to live our lives.
If you are inspired in a House of Worship to live life in a certain way, then go with that feeling. Do it because it sits well within your being; not because someone else says this is the way you should live your life.
You must develop within your own being the GRATITUDE that is necessary to guide you through life. You must develop an eternal ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE and PATIENCE and BELIEF that you will realize the object of your desire, if you follow your inner guidance and all the messages and clues the universe sends your way. Remember: You are your own best sender and receiver. Send out for what you want, and when you receive back, pay attention to what you receive, and look for the bits and pieces that fall in line with your objectives.
Up to this point we’ve talked about many different topics. Some of them may seem familiar to you, others may seem completely foreign, and unacceptable to your present system of beliefs. If, however, you’ve read this far into the book, I must make some assumption that you are receptive to the information written and discussed here.
Life is truly more than we think it to be. It is, however, only what we BELIEVE it is! Therefore, if our concept of life is limiting, then our lives will be limited by this belief system. If, however, we believe life can be whatever we want it to be, then we can make a start at changing our present circumstances and LIVING THE LIFE WE CHOOSE!!!
FAITH has several definitions: allegiance to duty or a person; loyalty; belief and trust in God; confidence; a system of religious beliefs. Throughout history, religious leaders have relied on this word to guide people when they, themselves, had inadequate answers to questions people would ask. FAITH, as we speak about it here, is not a blind FAITH that is passive. We make reference to an active FAITH in which we both have absolute TRUST, and in which we partake, to make the realization of our objectives become a reality by ACTION.
FAITH is tested on a moment-to-moment basis. We do not need to tear it down or obliterate it completely, neither do we need to pack it away within our mind and never look at it or question it. I have found that my questioning my FAITH, it becomes stronger. FAITH is an extremely personal affair.
TRUST may be defined as: assured reliance on the character, strength, or truth of someone or something; a basis of reliance, faith or hope; confident hope. These definitions give us some insight into just what the word TRUST means, from a definition perspective. However, from a practical standpoint, TRUST is also a very personal process.
I have placed FAITH and TRUST together, because I believe they are the final keys, along with SURRENDERING to a Higher Power, or the Universe, that unlock the doors through which we walk to experience the reality of our own beliefs. Sometimes, the reality of these beliefs is not of the physical, and we must be content with that. This occurs based on the WHERE we have placed our goals and objectives to manifest.
Sometimes people live in a DREAM WORLD. If they are also able to function in the physical waking state world, along with other beings, then it’s okay, generally speaking, and there should be no need of complaint. If, however, your goal is to manifest something in the physical world, so that you can see it and feel it, and that others may do the same, then you must focus on having it manifest in this realm.
To manifest love in the physical world is possible, only it is a qualitative thing; we cannot say how much love we have manifested or generated in our lives. We can, however, see the results of this manifestation, and this is often sufficient to prove we have accomplished the goal we set out to achieve.
You’ll find that once you achieve something, if there is no desire to move ever-forward, then you become empty. If your goal is to HAVE a child, we know that what you really mean is that you want to have and RAISE a child. Merely HAVING a child would mean adopting or giving birth. However, you wouldn’t stop at this point. You would continue the process by actually working with the child almost every moment of every day. Your actual goal was to RAISE a child. The words: HAVE or RAISE make all the difference.
If you set a goal to have love in your life, what you actually want is to have an ongoing process of generating, experiencing and working with the love force in your life. You don’t wake up one day and say: “I have love”, and then walk around with it in your pocket. To really have love you must give it out to others. You must SHARE it. It’s the same with money. To REALLY have money, or actually, to really have truth WEALTH, you must share this money, or wealth, with others.
It doesn’t mean you stand on the street corner and hand out hundred dollar bills, although some people have actually done this. What is meant here about SHARING your money is that you must work with what you have received to keep the flow of it coming into your life, as you let it flow THROUGH you. Remember, YOU ARE THE POINT THROUGH WHICH THE ABUNDANCE OF THE UNIVERSE FLOWS, not stops! You must let it flow THROUGH you and continue on. You can partake of the flow.
When you are in water, you partake of the whole of it. You cannot hold the water. You flow through the water, and in so-doing, you are availed the opportunity to partake of the whole of the water that is there for you. If you are in a swimming pool, you can swim to every part of the pool. If you are in the ocean, you can swim to wherever you want, if you pay attention to the guidelines established by those who swam the path before, or become aware of where the ocean guides you.
Life is a limitless ocean, and you can experience whatever part of it you want. If you want to swim at the New Jersey shore, you can. If you prefer the California shoreline, that’s available to you as well. If, however, you prefer Hawaii, the Caribbean, or Australia - all of these places are possibilities, and although it’s still water, it seems different in each place.
You may make your personal reality whatever you want it to be. There is an old story about a man who was in prison for a crime he did, in fact, commit. He felt he had served his time and wanted to make amends to society. He had complete FAITH and TRUST that he would eventually be released from prison. Even though his sentence was to last for the remainder of his natural life, he was released at some point. The details of this story may be found in the writings of Napoleon Hill. The point to stress here is that this man had absolute FAITH and TRUST, and because of the degree of his FAITH, TRUST and BELIEF, he was able to generate the necessary energy that ultimately led to his release. Of course, he took ACTION as well, and did what he felt guided to do to help the realization of his objective.
What of YOUR release? When will you develop the necessary FAITH, TRUST and BELIEF that YOU CAN TRULY TRANSCEND YOUR PRESENT REALITY? When will you begin to believe that life is what YOU make it, and that only YOU can change it? It’s a tall order, and you can begin in small ways to make big changes.
Change is the only constant in the universe! I don’t remember where I first hear this quote, though I’ve always remembered it. Change is always occurring and it can be frightening to us. It’s frightening to ME and as much as I think I love change, if often scares me, yet I must hold to the strong beliefs I have within my being that through following all that I have written about in this book, and having a strong abiding FAITH and TRUST and BELIEF, things will work out for me the way they are supposed to. All things will be in harmony in my universe.
It should be stated again, that we may not always achieve the exact goal or objectives we initially set out to achieve. If we have no goals or objectives, the universal energies, or spiritual forces, have nowhere to focus in our lives - we are as a pawn of the lower worlds. If, however, we have some goal or objective on which to focus, we at least have a starting point. For most people, the simple goals will be achieved, and sometimes even the life-long goals as well.
By setting goals, objectives, or directions for our lives to take, we at least set ourselves apart from one who is absolutely unfocused. By focusing our energies in some direction, we allow Spirit to guide us either closer or further away from that goal or objective. What’s important is that we have some focus of direction.
It’s okay for someone to attend college having no particular goal in mind. However, it’s tough to invest four years, and lots of money, going to college and having no idea of what to do even after graduation. College is an environment where many opportunities for focusing of energy exist, and it is a fantastic place to find out what areas are available for us to get involve in.
For those of us NOT presently attending a formal college of this sort, we have other opportunities. We are attending the “college of life”, or the “school of hard-knocks”, as some still refer to it. It is the COLLEGE OF LIFE if we seek out ways to have our PRESENT REALITY be what we want it to be. It becomes the school of hard-knocks if we are unfocused, and allow life to kick us whichever way it chooses. It if does, tough luck!
Oh, did I say LUCK? Let’s take just a few lines to discuss this point. If you believe in random luck you are foolish, I’ll say that right off. There is no such thing as random luck! What there IS, however, is our realization of something that has come to us because we have, in some way, attracted it to us. If we do certain things in life, certain things occur for us. We refer to this as: CAUSE and EFFECT. If you save 10% of your income every single time money passes through your hands, you will amass a source of power that will allow you to become financially successful, if you use this amassed source of power in the right way. For more information on this point, you are strongly urged to read: THE RICHEST MAN IN BABYLON, and also THE LAWS OF SUCCESS.
It is no one else’s fault that you are where you are. You cannot blame anyone for your life except yourself. And, in fact, you should not even blame yourself! If you want to change your life, and you feel you are in a pitiful state at this moment, then thank yourself for all you have accomplished up to this point, and apologize for any areas you feel you were lacking in that caused you to be in a reality you no longer like.
Once you have forgiven yourself, you can begin to open the doors that will allow you to find out what you really want in life. It does not matter where you live, what you are, who you are, how you got there, or why. It does not matter what color your skin is, what religion you follow or whether you are rich or poor. It does not even matter if you live in the richest areas of the world, or in the worst slums.
This book gives you many of the keys necessary to accomplish this task.
All that IS exists only in the moment - what we may call the eternal present. When we focus our attention on the past, we are not living in the moment - we are calling up dead images, or facsimiles, from the vast data bank of the memory vault. When we focus our attention always on the future, we are also not living in the present moment. Focusing on the future calls up facsimiles of what might be, and that may not become a reality in our personal universe if we do not anchor our attention in the present moment.
The future becomes the present. Living and focusing in the present moment helps the future to manifest, on a moment-to-moment basis. If you do not act in the moment, your future will be no better than your present, or your past.
Everything and everyone is part of a universal whole. We must take full responsibility for everything that occurs for us. Begin to tap into the universal power that is there for you. Become aware of the whole, in your consciousness. Our thoughts begin the creation of things, in the lower worlds, and you must always watch your thoughts.
We are individual, unique SPIRITUAL beings manifested in eternity as SOUL. We have at our command the vastness of the universal energy known as SPIRIT, which flows out of the Heart of God, and through each individual SOUL. It is the way we work with this SPIRITUAL flow that changes our lives.
SPIRIT manifests as thought, feeling, knowingness, freedom, wisdom and love. These are all experiences of SPIRIT. We have a self-reflected awareness that SPIRIT is active in our lives. SPIRIT is never absent. You become aware of ITs presence when you see balance, happiness, joy, beauty, harmony, love, grace and order and a whole list of other good qualities.
SPIRIT never changes - only our awareness of IT changes. The more we are aware of IT, the more we are able to manifest SPIRIT in our lives. You must have an absolute knowingness that you are being guarded, guided, provided for and illuminated by SPIRIT.
SPIRIT is gentle and is all-knowing. We must not block the flow of SPIRIT into and through us. SPIRIT must find an open vehicle to work with. We can respond to SPIRIT or not respond. It is our free will. We must respond and take advantage of all the cues and clues we receive. SPIRIT provides for us - ALWAYS!!!
SPIRIT teaches us through experience. You must be clever in a crisis and stand above the crisis to gain perspective and learn from the situation. There is a lesson in every experience. Stop reacting to what occurs in your personal universe. Learn to allow SPIRIT to flow through you. Always think outflow. You must learn to live with SPIRIT and how to contact IT.
Find the strength to deal with every experience in your life. Develop a serene detachment for all that occurs for you. Become a lens for SPIRIT and you will see life with complete clarity.
Here is a brief exercise to help open up your SPIRITUAL arteries. Ask yourself: “What is the greatest obstacle to my SPIRITUAL growth?” Write the answer to this question after you have phrased it and contemplated on it a moment before writing.
The SPIRITUAL current is ONE in the high world of the universe, and as IT descends into the so-called lower worlds, IT becomes of a dual nature. We recognize the dual nature of SPIRIT as SOUND and LIGHT. Imagination is more powerful than willpower, and allows us to tap into both the SOUND and LIGHT of this universal SPIRITUAL current.
All that you manifest is merely done by projection into some realm for perception. To place yourself into a situation you want, do the following:
1) Make sure when you project yourself that this where you really want to be.
2) Use as many of the five senses as you can to make the situation become real to you.
3) You are your consciousness, and wherever you put your attention is where you are.
4) The physical and emotional imaginative faculties work on the physical and emotional areas only.
5) Write down the things you want to accomplish and use the daydreaming techniques presented earlier.
Be kind to yourself. It may take quite a while for you to develop the harmony you need to work with the SPIRITUAL current. It takes some “time” for our SPIRITUAL legs to be strengthened as we step into new arenas of awareness. As you become MORE adept, things will occur quicker for you in your life.
The LIGHT is the source of all knowledge and knowingness which leads to wisdom. The SOUND is movement and vibration which causes manifestation. HARMONY is the essence of life, the beating and pulsing of life that we experience as the Breath of God.
We must begin to see all life as expressions of the SPIRITUAL current of SOUND and LIGHT. What we see is merely a reflection of that which we TRULY are. When we see others’ problems, they are usually our own problems, reflected back to us for us to see.
We should be playing the game of life in an active role, not blaming others for our problems. Out attitude should be: “So what - things will pass. What have I learned?” Let go of pain, seriousness, problems - these things are just other levels of awareness. All life has something to teach us so that we may move further along the journey.
Once you have done all the groundwork, let go with a feeling of serene detachment. SPIRIT will always show you how to get to the next step. You must TRUST implicitly in this current.
Each of us has a unique SOUND that makes up part of the universal chorus. Learn to tune in to your own SOUND. You are the boss in your personal universe. Knowing something intellectually has nothing to do with making it a part of your life. You must live life and learn to incorporate the SPIRITUAL principles you learn into your everyday living.
Don’t be afraid to look inside yourself - to explore your inner worlds. That’s the only way to grow. You can choose what you want to experience, just like you can choose which apples you want to purchase at the supermarket. Remember that thoughts and words are power, and they can help you perform what may seem like magic in your life. When you want something, set the goals then LIVE IT, BE IT and you’ll BECOME IT!
Don’t be afraid of failing, since there really is no such thing. If you feel you did something wrong, learn from the experience and start again. Life is learning, not being safe. Be BOLD and ADVENTURESOME in your life. Start out with goals that are simple, or close to you, then step a little further out each time you have a success. Do each action well and with intention and then build on each small success until you get to the bigger successes. Finish each goal before you go on to the next. Keep your attention on one thing at a time, don’t keep jumping around.
The physical plane universe has nothing to do with the ability of SPIRIT to manifest ANYTHING! Your goals are fulfilled only through SPIRIT, not through conditions of the physical universe. Things may not seem possible, but if your BELIEF in SPIRIT is more powerful than any doubts, you can pull your BELIEF down from the higher states of consciousness and you can have the experience you want, on whatever level you want to have it. You can create all kinds of things to put your attention on - watch your thoughts!
SOUL manifests through all different things. The more you recognize, the more you become aware. You can’t do today what is to be done tomorrow. You can’t live in the future - you must live in the present, the NOW. The laws of the physical universe function slowly. Allow things to grow naturally under SPIRIT. To manifest, use thought, feeling, action, belief and expectation. Be strong, self-confident, powerful and at ease.
BELIEFS take more to manifest because of the physical world laws. BELIEVE the creative process of manifestation is natural and possible for you. Ask yourself: “What would it take for me to feel natural about this goal?”
Don’t accept the BELIEFS of others. Your BELIEF is possible. See the physical universe as illusion. STAY WITH YOUR BELIEF! in a balanced way. Develop naturalness to flow with BELIEF and be in harmony with that BELIEF. Be wise, discriminate, and live life with a harmonious balance. LIVE AS IF THAT GOAL IS ALREADY MANIFESTING! What would be your natural thoughts about that goal or belief be? What are the feelings, the reality of it? What do you have to do for the goal to be natural to you?
Act and accept that which is available for you. PREPARE YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS FOR THE GIFT, not the vehicle of delivery. The WAY of the process is up for grabs. PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE END RESULT - NOT FOR HOW YOU ARE GOING TO BE HERE. Don’t worry about the HOW. Act in the NOW. Be prepared to accept the Gifts of SPIRIT. Open your heart and your mind.
Pay attention to the HERE and NOW. If there’s not enough happening to you, notice where you attention is. Reality can become what you set in your mind’s eye, not what’s happening around you now. You must have definite goals. “This is what’s happening today, but what do I really want?”
You can’t take control of your personal universe until you decide what you want and are clear about it. SPIRIT knows how to get you there. You must tell SPIRIT what you want accomplished then step back and let IT show you how to get there. Or how to bring what you think of as THERE into the HERE and NOW!!!
Set SPIRIT on target and you will find the target. Determine what your target is. See yourself doing the thing that is the object of your desire. Become excited about it. Even if it seems impossible to you, BELIEVE IT WILL OCCUR! Set a new force in motion. Get out and do something and follow every clue along the way.
Have ABSOLUTE TRUST that SPIRIT will manifest in your life that which is the object of your desires that are for the good of the whole. SPIRITUALITY is only in your heart, not in another country or location. To be in the middle of everything be able to detach yourself, emotionally and mentally. Where you put your attention is what comes alive for you. Set the goal. You’ll find a way to do it. Use a sense of adventure and creative outflow in your personal life. Sometimes we use our ideas to limit ourselves - always stay open to the messages that are coming through from SPIRIT.
When travelling the SPIRITUAL path of life there is always more to learn, and as we grow we become better equipped to handle every situation. We may seem to hurt ourselves, but we’re able to get over it quickly. We learn to trust SPIRIT and how to handle things. We have to learn respect for ourselves, and love ourselves more. As human beings, we often tend to put ourselves down and we shouldn’t. When we do that, we are actually practicing the black magic of mind control. Don’t turn SPIRIT against yourself, or other people.
Here are two final techniques that have proven to be very successful for many people. One is called the HAND CLAP TECHNIQUE and the other is called THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TECHNIQUE.
Sit in a comfortable position, and close your eyes. Focus your attention on the spot between the two eyes, and, if you feel so inclined, chant, or hum, a specially charged word that has some meaning for you. After a few moments become silent. Now, in your left hand, visualize the manifestation of the thing you want. Place your attention here, and see the thing in miniature. Now open your eyes and see the thing in your left hand in as much detail as you care to imagine it.
Now, envision a handful of BLUE DUST in your right hand. Begin to sprinkle this BLUE DUST onto the creation in your left hand. Become aware that there is a neverending supply of BLUE DUST flowing through your right hand. At some moment, that only you can decide, briskly clap your two hands together and throw your hands up into the air. Smile as you do this, and fill your heart with joy. You have taken your creation and tossed its essence into the universal currents to come back to you in a fully-enlarged manifest form.
This is a very powerful technique, and one that is also written about in LAWS OF SUCCESS, by Napoleon Hill, although he may not refer to it in the same way as I describe it here. Sit in a chair, generally at a table. Take a few deep breaths. This is also a CREATIVE VISUALIZATION TECHNIQUE, though of a different kind. When you are sufficiently relaxed, envision you are in the presence of people you respect. A group has gathered around you for the purpose of teaching you things you need to know.
You may envision these beings in your mind or you may actually set up chairs around a table. I prefer to set up the chairs and also use name tags placed around the table. Then, acting as if YOU are the CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD of the directors you have assembled, present the issues to be discussed, and address each member of the board for their response. I treat each being as if THEY ARE ACTUALLY HERE in the physical.
If possible, you may also use the photos of those you admire, and have requested to attend the meeting. These may be people who exemplify some particular quality, or those you admire as SPIRITUAL beings. The choice is solely yours. Pay attention to what comes through at the gathering and in subsequent days and weeks, as a result of the energy you create using this technique.
Although this particular technique may seem quite strange at first, I can absolutely testify that if you do this on a fairly consistent basis, focusing always on the highest the universe has to offer you, the personal growth you will manifest in your universe will be phenomenal! Many of my friends have done this technique as well, with startling results.
You have now completed the reading of a very powerful book that has presented to you all you need to know to get started in changing your life. You are, truly, ON THE SHORES OF ETERNITY, and you can CREATE YOUR OWN UNIVERSE by availing yourself of the techniques presented throughout this reading.
It is something that can occur only from within your own being. Whatever you seek you can find. If you place your attention on the material, outer things in life, that is your choice, though you may be disappointed with what you get. Placing your attention on the higher qualities of life: love, compassion, humility, gratitude, and many of the other things we’ve already talked about, you will find the gifts of SPIRIT will abound in your personal universe, and you will be showered with the abundance that flows THROUGH you, in a neverending succession of bounty from the high worlds and the very Heart of God.
01) “The Flute of God” by Paul Twitchell
02) “Letters to Gail” by Paul Twitchell
03) “The Far Country” by Paul Twitchell
04) “On the Breath of the Gods” by Ariel Tomioka
05) “Writing as a Tool for Self-Discovery” by Heather Hughes-Calero
06) “The Gifts of PLURBY - Part One -
07) “The Gifts of PLURBY - Part Two -
08) “The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe” by Glenn Clark
09) “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill
10) “The Laws of Success” by Napoleon Hill
11) “The Richest Man in Babylon” by George S Clason
12) “Financial Success Through the Power of Creative Thought” by Wallace D Wattles
(May also be called: THE SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH)
All of these titles are highly recommended. Thought some may be difficult to find, your search will be worthwhile. There are also MANY other titles of importance - these are a good start!
The ability to remember dreams.
The ability to recognize and understand your personal dream symbols and to be able to apply the knowledge, wisdom and insights imparted to you in your dreams in your life.
The sensation of motion within the dream state. As you practice the techniques in this book, you will become more aware of this movement, and you will begin to control it - thus controlling your outer life as well.
Visual perceptions of the mind.
Places that exist in imaginative-reality that are unseen by the physical eyes and often not perceived by the physical senses. The INNER WORLDS consist of the worlds of emotion, thought, feeling, imagination and visual images.
To create, imagine or conjure-up VISUAL IMAGE-SCENES and project these IMAGE-SCENES forth into the greater universe of life.
That which belongs to you not of the material world. It is comprised of all that you are apart from objects perceived as exterior to you. Emotions, feelings, thoughts, images, dreams, energies - all are a part of your PERSONAL UNIVERSE. Some refer to this as your aura.
The ability to see something by forming a mental image.
I also want to thank the following people:
Joe Ewasow for his tireless efforts to motivate me and keep my spirits up.
Suzanne Lavery for her RELENTLESS pursuit of perfection and for helping to open my eyes and be happy!!!
Lari Zatzman for her eternal friendship these last 3 decades.
Dorian Henao for his help in designing the website and for being a good friend and for helping me SMILE.
Henry Polis for your short quips about keeping on.
My parents and sister for just being there all these years.
And to the thousands of people I have met throughout my life. Each of you has taught me something, whether it was assessed by me as positive or negative; good or bad. You have ALL helped me move forward.
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